Saturday, July 17, 2010

That First Touch…

Derrick’s home theater system was amazing.  He had a Mitsubishi DLP big screen television to die for.  I was so envious.

“I can’t really crank it up for the neighbor’s upstairs,” he said of his home theater as we started the first movie which would be our only movie we watched.

Toy Story 1 was mindless entertainment.  I tend to enjoy more cerebral films such as 2001: A Space Odyssey or A Clockwork Orange.  My favorite film of all time was the subtitled foreign film Amelie.  The crowning moment of the night was when Kim reached over to  hold my hand.  It was the first time I had touched a woman that I was interested in in many, many years.  This feeling of excitement and electricity shot through my body.  I found myself sexually excited for the first time in many months just by that mere touch.

I didn’t feel like drinking tonight for some strange reason.  Derrick was on his seventh beer when we left and was laughing giddily.  I laughed as well and lived vicariously through his intoxication.  Kim ended up drinking several glasses of wine from the bottle she brought.  She was giddy as well as I drove us out of Derrick’s apartment’s parking lot – talking a mile a minute as if she couldn’t get out enough words in to express how she was feeling. 

“I’m hungry,” she said as I pulled out on highway 29. “I’ve got the munchies from drinking all that wine.”

“Krystal’s?” I asked with a smile, hungry myself. “Late night munchies always call for those greasy little sliders that restaurant offers.”

Kim agreed and we got stuck in drive-thru hell at the restaurant.  We must’ve waited 15 minutes for our bag of little burgers. 

“I had fun tonight,” Kim told me as I drove her home as we ate in the car. “My girlfriends will be dying to find out what happened.”

“Are you going to tell them I was the utmost gentleman?” I asked.

“Well, you could’ve been a little more aggressive,” she replied with a demure smile as I pulled into front of her house.

We kissed passionately as we sat in her driveway – the smell of onions and alcohol strongly on her breath.

“Want to come in for awhile?” Kim asked

“I better head home,” I replied. “It is getting past my bedtime.”

I was kicking myself in the ass as I drove home realizing she wanted me to stay the night.  What would have happened?  Could I have performed?  If that touch in Derrick’s den was any indication, I would have been her Don Juan tonight.  Oh well, till the next time we meet in this big wide world.  It was a grand night. 


This IS The Fun Part! said...

Bravo for my sweet Southern Gentleman!

Love ya,

Sophie said...

Loved it loved it! What a wonderful week this has been for you, Andrew, and tonight was just the frosting on the cake... and you didn't even need that beer to feel great! I am pleased with the way you treated Kim, girls like to be respected, there will be plenty of time and opportunity for more adventure down the road!

pattycakes said...

wonderful nite for yu , and you didnt even drink , im proud of the way yu have been lately , and so would your dad if he just could relax a little. do yu think you would ever introduce her to your parents ? maybe some day it will happen , isnt it great to have so much to look forward to now . good for yu and many more happy days ahead for you :)

justLacey said...

I am so happy that you turned out to be the designated driver. If Kim had all that wine and you were drinking too it could have been a disaster. Good for you! Don't kick yourself for any missed opportunities.When it's right you'll know it and you'll hopefully be prepared. In other words, when it rains don't forget your raincoat. I am glad to see you living a more normal life, I know it's something you have wanted for a long time. I wonder if you realized now that it was up to you all along.

Syd said...

Sounds like you will do great when the time comes. Kim needs to lose the onions if kissing is in order. You have had a week of experiences. It's good to be living.

Tee said...

So glad you didn't drink. You can have fun when you don't, maybe even more, because you can recall everything that happened last evening. I applaud you for being a gentleman. Just take this relationship slow and easy, don't just jump in bed with someone you really don't know. Next time no onions.

kristi said...

Yeah for a great night. Take things nice and slow. :)

Mary K said...

Never put out on the first date. :p
I'm glad you had a lovely evening. Makes me smile!

PipeTobacco said...


Bravo! I am glad you had a wonderful time with both Derrick and Kim! Do not kick yourself in the posterior about not bedding Kim... if it wasn't quite right for you that night, then you did the right thing. If it is the right thing, you will have many more opportunities to bed her.
