Friday, November 09, 2007

Ads Be Gone

I've had a lot of complaints about the JohnQ risque ads appearing to the right. I've gotten several emails as well. It was not very conducive to reading blogs at work with women's behinds being splayed upon my blog. I had no real control of when that ad popped up so I took down banner ads and replaced them with text ads. Sorry about the inconvenience. The problem is solved. I didn't particularly relish looking at the ads either. I just don't have any other way of making extra income at the moment.


LM said...

Thanks, Andrew! You're a special person and your blog is the best.

Portia said...

makes no difference to me, but it's very kind of you to consider your readers like that. i just noticed your sobriety counter...i like that a lot. kind of a powerful message to display it like that.

Portia said...

p.s...have a great day!

Lynette said...

I didn't really notice the ad until someone commented, but this looks better. Thanks for listening to your readers.

Bridget said...

You know, I noticed the JohnQ ads yesterday! I wasn't offended...I actually laughed. I tend to laugh when things are THAT blatant. I'm a pretty free-wheeling kind of girl, but dang! Can stuff be any more in your face?! But I'm glad that you changed to text ads. As another commenter said, they do look better. I log on in work to read your blog, and I'd have a tough time explaining to my boss why some bimbo's butt is splayed on my screen.

Kelly Jene said...

Very considerate of you. Have you heard of pay per post? Google it and read up on it. Pays pretty well from what I understand.

barefoot 303 said...

I totally couldn't keep away for more than a few hours and I truly appreciate it!!!
And to reiterate what others have said, it looks great.
Also, don't worry what others think, this is your blog, you do with it what you like (but thanks for the ad thing) and write what you want when you want how you want.. The beauty of being an adult :)
Thanks again,


You're kind to think of people, and that is nice, but if they are making you money, you have no control over that. That one with Scarlett and her bosom made Bigdogg quite happy, so I say thank you for thinking of others, but will those that complained help pay your bills when times are tough? You are too kind!

nengaku said...

Kudos on dropping the bottom pictures. I can ignore the text. The pictures were a bit distracting though even for a guy with zero libido like me. Thanks.