Friday, December 18, 2009

Freezing My Ass Off Over Here...

65.9 degrees is the temperature where I sit in the den right now. It is 36.9 outside. Not far away from each other, huh?

I really liked the latest blog poll. It was intriguing. I got to see what you all set your thermostats on. Me and only one other person sets theirs at the 80 to 85 degree range. I am so cold natured. I try to tell myself I have a tiny house, thus frugal to heat, and that justifies keeping it so high.

Well, today I turned over a new leaf. I set my thermostat to 66, a consensus poll temperature, and I AM FREEZING! I've got on two shirts, a hoodie, two pair of sweat pants, two pairs of socks, and I am still chilly. Dad's just gonna love this when he comes tonight. He pays my utility bill out of my checking account. He's been wanting me to turn it down for YEARS!

Let me ask you? How do you do it? How do you take showers and bathe in such frigid environs? Somebody mail me a Snuggie cause I am going to need it. I am going to stick with this, though. I need more cigarette money! hehe. (Don't chastise me! :-( )

Even poor Maggie is Freezing!


Leann said...

It just depends on what you become acclimated to. I keep my thermostat on 68 during the day and around 48 at night. I wear two pairs of socks and a sweater unless I'm up doing household tasks, then the sweater gets shed because I am hot. I like sleeping cold and even open my bedroom window at night. Call me crazy :-)

Andrew said...

You're not crazy Leann. I'm the crazy one, remember? hehe Well, at least I now know you get used to it. I AM STICKING WITH THIS!

Nell Jean said...

That's a big jump, from 80+ to 66. Why not 71 in the daytime, but keep wearing the extra clothing. As you start to bed, turn back to 64 or so; back up when you rise in the morning.

Being a little uncomfortable is one thing; miserable is another. No need to go to extremes. Get used to it gradually, which is not your way, but you could try it, once.

Poor little Maggie may need a doggie hoodie, or at least a little blankie.

joyous melancholy said...

My husband likes to keep the thermostat at 66. I'm too cold, but find that 67-68 is okay. Just those two degrees makes a big difference to me. We have a small son, and at bath time I turn the thermostat up to 70 so he doesn't catch a chill. At night, I have a heated mattress pad and a heated blanket that keep us warm, and we use a space heater instead of heating the whole house. So that's how we cope with a lower thermostat setting. We also have warming pads for the kitties.

Andrew said...

Thank you all for the tips! This is fascinating. I didn't realize so many people keep their houses so cool.

Sharyna said...

They make snuggies for pets too! Turn up the thermostat! Don't freeze!

Andrew said...

Me and Maggie both need Snuggies, Sharyna!

christina said...

Living in Miami FL, its not difficult to have the temp on 74-76 year round.

Too bad you dont have a fireplace. Now THAT would heat things up.Maybe you do need a snugglie from Santa this year! A nice leopard print :0)

Golden To Silver Val said...

Its all on what you've become used to, Andrew. I keep my thermostat set on 65 at night. I sleep better in a cool house. During the day I put it anywhere between 68 and 70...depending on how cold it is outside. I know it sounds silly, but if its a blizzard, I keep it warmer just makes me feel better. Now if I'm working and gone all day, I keep it at 65 while I'm gone. To answer your question about showering in a cool house....I get up, turn up the heat to 70 and let it heat up the house while I'm drinking my coffee. When it reaches 70, I take my shower in a warm house, then turn it back down. It will save you quite a bit of money, Andrew....You'll see! But don't go to should not be uncomfortable.

Andrew said...

Christina! I would love a fireplace. We always had a wood burning stove in my childhood home and I have fond memories of standing by the stove after some cold play and warming up.

Val, thanks for the tips. That's what I want to do is help dad save my disability money.

Anonymous said...

lol Andrew, you'd never survive the northeast. this is matt, we were friends on facebook. my social phobia got the best of me and i closed my account :/ its a balmy 10 degrees here with a foot of snow on its way. MERRY CHRISTMAS! btw...our thermo is set at 68!

geelizzie said...

I set ours at 70, but then when the house warms up I turn the heater off. Of course we live in CA where it's not as cold outside and our house is really well insulated. I do get chilled when it's like 68 in here. As far as taking showers and all, sometimes I have to warm up the house first. I just keep trying to remind myself how miserable I was when it was 100 outside last summer. Doesn't work, though.

Anonymous said...

I keep mine at 68. its to cold to be really uncomfortable.

Anonymous said...

R u planninig to attend that dreadful rite of passage into middle age -ur 20th high school reunion - next year? U know that big party where old classmates size each other up to see who r the winners & who r the failures? U could take Maggie to it & try to pass her off as ur wife! lol Or u could tape her to ur head and pretend she's a toupee!

Joy Heather said...

Everyone is different Andrew...dont be cold & miserable just to save money, some folk are happier when it is not so warm..others hate the cold...just be warm enough to be happy..for Maggie as well...i think animals get used to certain temperatures and react when they are cold..I hate been too hot during the night though, when i am trying to sleep. The pics of yourself are both great by the way.

Maire said...

We usually keep it at around 68, but we have an old house, it's gotten warmer with the renovations, and we put in a new furnace last year, but parts of the house are FREEZING!!! It's basically off on the 3rd floor, nobody sleeps there, but thats where we shower. Have to turn on the electric heater for about 20 minutes before.