Monday, December 14, 2009

The Ballad of Magdalene...

I will never forget sitting at my computer at my old house.  There was a knock on the door and dad was standing there at the glass with a puppy in his palm.

"She was left for dead," he told me. "She was thrown in a trash dumpster out at the rest area on the interstate.  I found her on my walk.  She was whimpering."

"Is she mine?" I asked excited.

Dad looked real serious.

"I'm entrusting you with another life.  If you treat her well, she will be your best friend for years."

Those were his exact words.  And so Maggie came to live with me and be my little sweetheart.  Or big sweetheart according to whom you ask.  She's getting a little swagger in the rump and the dog door is looking awfully small these days.

On a side note, when Maggie was found, she was just eaten up with fleas.  Dr. Thomas said he had never seen a dog with so many.  She was anemic and it took four visits to the veterinarian to get all the fleas off.  Can you imagine how miserable she must have been?  It was sad, but we emerged victorious. 


christina said...

Andrew, you might want to look into having your back yard treated for the prevention of fleas. That must be where she is getting them.

Good luck!

ps buy her a back scratcher!

Andrew said...


She had fleas when she was a puppy. She hasn't had them since. I put on her flea treatment just 5 minutes ago.

Jessica said...

I loved hearing the story of how Maggie became your best friend! :) Sorry she had so many fleas, sometimes they just sneak there way in!

christina said...

oh ! Didnt get that, thought they were recent. :-)

She is a cutie and i just love her videos, when is is all running around and barking..!christina

Andrew said...

Thanks Jessica. She's a little sweetheart, but she can be a stinker, too! LOL

Christina, it was my fault. I wasn't clear in my writings. It was an easy mistake. I changed part of the post to make it clearer.

Leann said...

Bless you for taking in a little lost soul who in many ways is just like you. Good company and faithfulness on both of your parts :-)

2sunset said...

Hey Andrew,
I give my dog 1x/month oral medication (a little pill in his food) so that fleas never proliferate. The liquid that you "put on" maggie might be a solution that attacks the nervous system of the flea, thus killing it: I have read that this solution can also have negative effects on children, the elderly, women of childbearing age and those with chronic health might bear a discussion with your father, I would hate to think that Maggie's flea-meds might be part of what has knocked your medication balance & health off-kilter lately. Just a thought. Take care!

This IS The Fun Part! said...

Our daughter has a small farm and found a starving pup in the woods. Vet said all he had in his tummy was leaves and pebbles. He now weighs 60 pounds and guards the farm. Has never touched a kitten, or other baby animal - except to lick it! Strays know when you have saved their lives and pay you back with love and devotion! And they can sense when we need them the most! Grannie

Andrew said...

My dearest Leann. Thank you. Yes, we are both little vagabonds taken in by loving families. :)

2sunset, that is so interesting. I will have to look into it today. I have always been suspicious of those oil based flea treatments.

Grannie, bless your daughter. I sometimes like to think that strays make better pets. Maggie is the most loyal friend I have ever had.

Jamie said...

I didn't know this was how you came to end up with Maggie. What a wonderful, but really sad story. It just proves what good guys both you and your dad really are. You have done an amazing job with her, Andrew. Thanks for telling us the story. :)

Andrew said...

Jamie!!! It so good to hear from you! Thank you for the kind words. Maggie is a blessing in many ways. I say it was fate she "chose" me to live with.

forsythia said...

Maggie lucked out. It breaks your heart to think of homeless dogs and cats.

Andrew said...

Forsythia, my veterinarian says Maggie won the Georgia lottery when she found a home with us. Mom is such a stickler about pet healthcare and upkeep!

Karen :-) said...

I didn't know the story of how you got Maggie either. It's a wonderful story. Your kind deed has brought you and Maggie much happiness. :-)

Andrew said...


She's my sweetheart. I wouldn't know what to do without her. I like to think Maggie is happy!

Jenn said...

Thanks for posting this :)

Joy Heather said...

Thanks for sharing that again Andrew..i didn't know how you and Maggie became best friends...Dogs are wonderful companions and you two were meant to be together...she must be so happy especially after having such a bad start in can folk be that cruel to leave a poor little animal like that???...but i do believe sometimes these things happen for a reason..for Maggie, you were the reason...i am pleased that you found each other (with your Dads help,LOL....bless him)

Andrew said...

Joy Heather,

The person that put Maggie in that trash bin must have been an evil person. How could you do that to a puppy? It makes me shiver. Thanks for the kind words. I do hope you are feeling better now. You hate it when your friends aren't feeling well.

Maire said...

I almost cried reading your story about Maggie! Animals & kids, that's what pulls at my heartstrings the most. We have rescued many animals over the years, recently our young cat who *adopted* Hubby in the mountains.
We have a horrible flea problem here, from our neighbors yard. Adding Brewer's yeast to their diet, it's supposed to help, on top of the meds.
Take care!

Andrew said...


Me and you are two peas in a pod about pets. I've heard that about Brewer's yeast as well. Take care today!

Joy Heather said...

Thanks Andrew..i will be ok..and i know you are right..i will sit tonight with my tree & lights..and think good positive things..bless you.

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