Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Physician Assisted Suicide...

I've been thinking about the above topic lately. A way to end your life that instills dignity and is pain free.  I would jump on it in a heartbeat. I believe you just cease to exist.  I am so weary lately. Weary of my overbearing family and weary of mental illness. Dr. Kevorkian, where are you when I need you?


Joy Heather said...

Andrew..PLEASE dont talk like that..you are far too young to be considering such a thing..even if you dont mean really it ??? (i do believe in Euthanasia in certain circumstances & with certain illness's)..but you will recover & have good days again...you have lots of folk who care for you very much..just read some of the comments on your blog...and what about dear Maggie ????..i am really sorry that you are feeling like this at the moment, and i am not making light of it, i know depression is a terrible thing, believe me i do know...but you will feel better soon..just take a look at Maggie give her a big cuddle, then have a re-think..dont let the family get you down..have a day off from them...i hope you feel better real soon...take Care

Syd said...

Andrew, every day is a miracle. There is so much to see. Suicide isn't painless. And it is so very final. I think that there is much to live for. I hope that you do also.

rew said...

Pain free? Maybe for the person who suicides. The family and friends live with the pain always. I know this from experience.
I have depression also. This helps sometimes:

Jenn said...

Hang tight. This too shall pass. You'll feel better soon.

Berryvox said...

Y'know what actually kinda helped with those feelings for me? Learning not to care about the things that don't really matter. Unfortunately, it's hard to show others how to do it. When I was younger, I was always concerned with what others thought about me. One day, I just realized, 'Why care? If they think negatively of me, they haven't stood where I stood or are misunderstanding the situation.' Also, nobody chose to come into this world. Nobody really has any obligations to anybody else. I (and everybody else) don't have to do things to prove my (or their) worth to the world. That worldview can seem cold and distant but it's not really. I'm never unkind or demanding of others on purpose.

Karen :-) said...

Oh Andrew that is scary to hear you talk like that. I so wish you did have faith. I just can't even imagine life without God being there for me.

~Christina~ said...

You die.....and what about Maggie?

Marsha said...

God is there, wheather you believe in Him or not. I just hope you learn that BEFORE you die. There's no changing your mind once you get to the other side...and the consequences of the decision to NOT believe are far more painful than anything you have experienced so far in this life, including your mental illness.

Have faith, trust then believe that "I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength."

He won't show himself to you or begin to help you while you are proclaiming his non-existance.

God Loves You Andrew...but He won't push himself on you. It's your choice.

Leann said...

You would be sorely missed Andrew if you were to leave this earth. There is truly so much joy, even in the little things such as the antics of your sweet Maggie.

I understand the desire to end the pain and the sadness. It is fleeting. There will again be good days. Days when you will turn your face up to the sun and give thanks that you are still here. Able to walk your sweet Maggie and hug your mother and father.

Hang in there Andrew. ((hugs))

Moohaa said...

All I can say is I care. Hugs.

John Lofton, Recovering Republican said...

FYI...might be interested in the radio show I did recently re: Dr.-Assisted Self-Murder in Montana;comments welcome.


John Lofton, Editor, TheAmericanView.com

Communications Director, Institute on the Constitution

Host, “TheAmericanView” radio show

Recovering Republican
