Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Rigors of Facial Hair…

“You haven’t shaved in a few days,” dad stated last night during our medication ritual. “And you’ve been sleeping on the couch.  That is odd for you.”

I should’ve shaved before dad came over.  I knew this would happen.  Dad sees it as a sign I am not doing well mentally – not taking care of myself physically.  Frankly, I had just let my guard down while they were gone.  I was merely being lazy and I hate shaving.  I was just taking a few days off from “work”.

We walked into my kitchen and laundry room to do Maggie’s water and food routine.  Dad handed me the water bowl to pour out in the sink.  He then went to throw Maggie’s day old food out in the trash.

“Hmmm,” he muttered. “You’ve let your trash get full as well.  You never do that.”

“Just being lazy,” I replied defensively. “Nothing’s wrong I assure you.”

Dad then checked my bathroom toilet for any signs of bulimia.  There weren’t any and besides, I’m too crafty to ever let him find that again.  Dad also knows that Charlie can be lax when watching me take my medications.

“Have you been taking your meds?” he asked with a scornful look on his face.  “Have you been throwing them up while I was gone?”

I assured dad once again that everything was fine.

“I’ve been taking my meds, dad,” I replied as I crossed my arms in a defensive posture.

“Well, go eat your hamburger before it gets cold,” he told me kindly relaxing a bit as he was leaving. 

This kind of scrutiny I am so used to.  It is a common occurrence and something I must endure to keep a stable relationship between my father and I.  Dad just cares.  I am just glad things are back to normal.   I was oddly soothed by the “Fatherly Inquisition”.


Anonymous said...

You wrote that George came over with a 12-pack of beer!!? Did YOU drink any of it? You seem to be flirting with the bottle lately. Buying beer for George, watching him happily drink it, dreaming of wetting your whistle... Boy, it won't be hard to start drinking again if you keep exposing yourself to booze!

Andrew said...


It gets easier with time and several years of sobriety. George's drinking hasn't bothered me for some strange reason lately as it normally does. And no. I haven't been drinking. I wouldn't be writing so coherently if I was. That's a good indicator.

Anonymous said...

Your dad doesn't really care about YOU! He just doesnt want you to get all crazy on him and be a bigger burden than you already are!!!!! He is thinking of himself.

Andrew said...


What a terrible thing to write! If dad didn't care he could just walk away. He could just give me my monthly disability allotment and make me fend for myself. He also wouldn't be coming every night with my medications as well. "Take care of your own damn medications," he could say. Geez, it's five in the morning and the anonymous are out to play.

Cheryl said...

Hi to my fellow early riser. You seem to have a kind of friend in Anon. He's awfully interested in you, anyway. It's kind of amusing, don't you think? I've known you long enough to know the kind of relationship you have with your father. And you guys have your routines and it works, for the most part, for both of you.


Andrew said...


Me and you and both up so early. Yes, we have our routines and it works. Dad keeps me inline so to speak. lol I could never go without shaving if they were home. Dad believes in routines and abhors facial hair. It puts him on guard about me. Hope you have a great New Year's Eve!

Cheryl said...

I can't wait to have my after-work latte! Then the fun can begin. Caffeine is my drug. Wish I could handle it everyday, but I can't. This hairdresser needs steady and calm for work :)

Andrew said...


I'd never thought about that. I bet you do need steady hands to cut hair.

pattycakes said...

happy new year andrew you are doing so well im proud of you for the hard work it takes , i wish your father would end his sentences with i love you andrew then it wouldnt be so hard to hear lol i dont know how i would take it as nicely as you do
best of new years to you and keep up the good work :)

Andrew said...


Thank you and Happy New Year's to you too! It's not so hard. Sometimes love is better expressed in actions than in words. I have grown immune to dad's antics over the years.

Anonymous said...

Моя история из жизни: мы как-то с мамой ехали в маршрутке,( мама спец по всем видам мяса на глаз определяет что это), на остановке залазит подвипывший мужик с куском свежака в одноразовом пакете. Едем. Маршрутка резко тормозит,мужик по инерции бежит вперед и пакет рвется ,оттуда выпадет свежак ,дальше мамины слова- " Мужчина,у вас вымя выпало!" я медленно сползаю под сиденье , пассажиры ржут, мужик красный - выбегает на следующей остановке :)))

Anonymous said...

Вообще да, мне это напоминает ситуацию с выборами призидента Украины. Выборы прошли, а не факт, кто призедентом будет. Да, блин, демократия. Хех, простите за флуд небольшой, навеяло просто.