Thursday, December 17, 2009

Throwing Caution to the Wind...

George is here sitting in "his" Lazy Boy.  I just heard him chuckling loudly at something on the TV.  I thought they saved the funny stuff for prime time?   George has a taste for very terrible television.  He is sipping on an ice cold Milwaukee's Best Ice beer and enjoying himself.

"I'm gonna let you drink inside," I told him sternly an hour ago with a worried look on my face.  "You just can't tempt me, though, man.  I can't stand it.  Any beer left in the fridge will drive me batty.  All alcohol is to leave with you when you head home."

"I'm cool, man," he replied happily with a Cheshire grin.

"Welcome home old friend," I thought as I escaped to my computer room to write about this excitedly.  It is good to settle back into our old routines.   I get so, so lonesome for company.  Now, let me go crack open an ice cold beer!  JUST KIDDING!  Now, I am going to go decorate my Christmas tree while George does his thing.


PipeTobacco said...


I think you will find it is a good compromise... you get more company.

As long as George does either drink all of his alcohol or takes what is left with him when he goes has been very workable for you in the past, so as long as you are firm with him about sticking to those guidelines, there shouldn't be any problems... only benefits.


Andrew said...

Me too, Pipe. This morning I am mulling over a compromise where we eat breakfast with Mrs. Florene every morning. And I drive George over here to drink and then drive him home. I worry about him getting another DUI and going to jail. Mrs. Florene would be thrilled with the arrangement. I will approach her about it the next time I eat with them.

Judy said...

You are wise and you are strong. Stronger than many!

Andrew said...

Judy, thank you so much. I hope I'm not making a terrible decision. I just want a friend.

Joy Heather said...

I agree with pipe tobacco that is a good compromise..its good having someone around to chat too...and you are strong...the tree decorating will take your mind off things anyway hopefully.

Andrew said...

Joy, I do, too. I think it is a good compromise as long as I am militant about George leaving any beer or booze here.

mago said...

You are flirting with desaster and you know it.

Andrew said...

I may be, Mago. I may be. But I'm going to give it a shot!

mago said...

Well then. I follow your blog for quite a time, with some interruptions i have to confess. But I see that you after all are a man of will. You handled a lot of diffiult situations over time. You have a strong sense for surviving and you can trust in yourself.
So George gulping some beers in front of the tv should not become a real problem. It's a situation you allow, you handle - and what you can finish if need be. You are in control, that's important.

Andrew said...

Mago! Thanks for kind words and the support. I need comments like yours!