Monday, June 07, 2010

AA at Six!!!

I am planning on an AA meeting at six.  It is a long drive and I am worried about anxiety.  The meeting in town was at 10am and I missed it.  It would have just been a walk down the road.  It is a women’s meeting, but I have found they welcome men accidentally by attending aloofly.  They just want attendees.  Mom is bringing hamburgers and fries tonight.  I hope she brings some cokes as well.  That will be nice.   I have been walking all day – walking until my calves are sore.  This seems to be my lot in life these days.  I would call the doctor, but dad said no drama and I am trying to keep from causing drama.  I am hoping I can just weather this storm with time.  I apologize for the morose timbre of my posts this week.  At least, I am posting right?  I just need you friends as a shoulder to lean upon from time to time.  I will be back to my old self soon.  I promise!


glittermom said...

If you dont start seeing improvement in how you feel you should call the dr. reguardless of what dad says...can you go to the dr. on your own without your dad along?

Jules said...

Lean on me. I'm not sure I can hold you up, but we can fall into a pile of commiseration together that might help some.

I'll go bother you on Facebook.... I know you'll love that.

This to..... and other appropriate Proverbs. You are loved.


This IS The Fun Part! said...

Okay, I'll lay off a little. But (I know, there's always a 'but'), your dad doesn't want any drama for him - what about your internal drama? It's getting pretty dramatic when you can't sit down long enough to watch 30 minutes of tv!

Speaking of tv - have you watched Dr. Who on BBC? I'm afraid I'm getting hooked on it! Kind of a quirky British Sci Fi - with some decent humor. I'm finding it pretty entertaining! And I am NOT a Sci Fi fan at all!

Gotta go - - having wings for dinner and the hubby has it ready!!

I'll nag ya later!

(M)ary said...

Going to AA...good deal!

In regards to the out of sortsiness of your mental state right now, my only advice is to try listening to meditation music. I would use you tube to find meditation music when I was anxious. I would search the term meditation music and find a video that soothed me. also i would search the term 'chakra music'. chakras are energy points in your body, or so some people believe. All I know is some of the chakra music is soothing.

Tee and Hubby said...

Let your doctor know you are having problems. You don't need your Dad's permission to talk with your doctor.

Cheryl said...

I was just listening to Lean On Me last night on youtube. I love that song! You have a lot of friends here. Keep on talking. We'll keep on listening.

My guy goes to AA meetings almost every day. It helps a lot. Not so much to stay sober but for the fellowship.

Jane said...

"I would call the doctor, but dad said no drama and I am trying to keep from causing drama."

Why does calling a doctor equal drama?
or are you just playing the poor me role?

This IS The Fun Part! said...

Hope your meeting went well! And I'm sure Maggie greeted you with lots of kisses and tail wags!

See you tomorrow!

Berryvox said...

You have darn good reasons for being morose/depressed lately. No need to apologize.

Sharon said...

You can always lean on us anytime you need to. You have friends here. As unlikely a place as the internet is for garnering friends, you have them whether you want us or not! LOL! You'll get through this because I can see your determination. Stay strong, we have faith in you too.