Saturday, June 12, 2010

Good Morning Father!

Dad’s left.  We had sausage and biscuits this morning then I washed my hair in the sink.

“Why can’t you just take a shower?” my father asked.

“Dad, I am feeling shaky this morning,” I told him. “I need the easiest, softest possible way!”

Dad grumbled some, but agreed a hair washing in the sink was better than nothing.  We are trying to clear up a skin condition with some prescription shampoo.  This skin condition resulted after weeks of not taking a shower when I was in my Zyprexa induced malaise. 

Charlie is to come by to mow my lawn today.  I am excited for that.  I just haven’t felt like doing it and my grass is getting high, very high.  I am going to get out and help him if I can by cutting the much smaller front yard.

I have an AA meeting at 1pm and can’t wait to go.  I have been spending some time in AA chatrooms as well and have been enjoying the interaction.  My attention span can waver though at times.  I went to the 12pm LaGrange AA meeting yesterday, but was so sleepy in that cool church.  It was all I could do to stay awake and I spent my time slumped over in the chair with my eyes closed.  I hope I didn’t come across as rude.  I was listening, but just resting my eyes! lol    


LM said...

We have all been there...trying to keep our eyes open but so drowsy! You are doing a great job, Andrew. Keep it up. So glad your meds have been regulated.

Anonymous said...

I really need someone like your father! BADLY! I need a job. I need your family. I need you as well to continue writing. I am just needy! I feel so lonely right now.


Andrew said...


I had the serious funks under Zyprexa. I literally lost the will to live. Dad says it was because I could get a drink, but it was a certain malaise as I like to call it.

About the meeting, you should have seen me and my bobbing head. I was trying so hard to stay awake! LOL

Andrew said...


Get my email in my blogger profile and email me. Let's talk. We could chat online and then talk on the phone.

Anonymous said...

You said, "I had the serious funks under Zyprexa. I literally lost the will to live. Dad says it was because I could get a drink, but it was a certain malaise as I like to call it."

I'm sorry, was that a typo and you meant to say, "Dad says it was because I COULDN'T get a drink...and not "could"?

If so, are you freaking serious? Did your dad really say you lost your will to live because you couldn't get your hands on a beer?!?!?!?!

If that's what you meant, your dad is more of an ass than I ever thought.

If that's not what you meant to say, please know that your dad is STILL an ass.

And by the way, you tell him YOU ARE TAKING your meds in the morning, or dont bother coming by. Refuse to open your mouth when he brings them at night. If he threatens you, call social services, especially if he wont bring them at all. Then you can get out from under his thumb. they an strip him of his authority and give you someone who really cares about you, and isn't trying to control you.