Friday, July 09, 2010

It’s Business as Usual…

004 copy It’s business as usual for mom as far as I am concerned.  She called me this evening and told me to come get my diet Cokes.  I told her I could pay for my own now, but she insisted on us sticking to our routines.  “I like doing it for you,” she said. “I don’t have much to do in my life.  I like the routines.”  She also bought me more of my drink mixes and left them on my kitchen counter sometime today along with another giant jar of creamy Kroger peanut butter.  I am sure Maggie was thrilled at seeing her.  Her only frets are my disability and she is obsessing over that.  She says they are going to review my eligibility to return to work full time.  I told her that was against the law and one of the good things Clinton did when he was in office.  They can’t punish you for returning to work part time.   It will not trigger a review.  Mom will still fret, though.  It is her nature to do so.  She frets about absolutely everything these days. 

I am $75 dollars richer this evening as we speak.  I earned every damn penny of it.  That was one physically taxing job.  I am glad it is finished!  It came up a cloud at one point as my grandmother would always say and I sat in my car listening to NPR until it passed.  You could see the sun while it was raining and my grandmother would always say the devil was beating his wife with a frying pan.  One nice thing about the rain was that it really cooled the temperatures off as I finished the job late this afternoon. 

The man wants me to come back Sunday to trim the shrubbery on the front and sides of his house for $25.  I told him I had to work all day tomorrow at my regular job and that’s why I couldn’t do it sooner.  I also told him we were going to get his yard in tip top shape if he just keeps paying me good money.  He laughed and offered me a beer.  I laughed as well feeling good about the whole affair.  I couldn’t drink, though, as I was driving.  His lawn needs mowing so I hope he will ask me to do that next. 

005 copy Sunset found me in the park which is quickly growing to be one of my favorite places to be in the evenings.  I was glad the days of the nightly medication ritual are finally over.  Maggie will miss dad’s visits, though. She loves him dearly and so do I. Dad will never just come over to my house to visit with me like mom will, though.  I have to go see him.  Dad always made me a nervous wreck every night during that medication ritual. That’s one less bit of anxiety I have to deal with at the end of the day. 

The late evening cicadas were singing and it made feel lonely for some strange reason tonight. I am usually enthralled by their singing.  I’ve really been longing for a companion this week feeling eligible for the first time in years.  I eventually would like to get married again and possibly have kids.  That would have never ever happened if I stayed on my previous course in life.  Who wants to marry a guy who can’t even support himself or make basic decisions about his life?  I find myself thinking of what would make me enticing to a mate.  A nice home.  A good car.  Decent looks.  A job.  Money.  Sanity.  All pieces to a puzzle I am slowly putting together. 

A couple of black boys were playing basketball on the court and talking jovially.  One kept bragging that he could shoot better than the other and the other protested vehemently.  I smiled as I listened to their banter and drank the single solitary Steel Reserve, my sunset brew, I bought tonight at the convenience store.  I bought only one as a concession to my blog readers and friends who care. I am really not an alcoholic and can drink one or two beers and be satisfied.   I no longer feel the pain and anguish these days that stirred me to drink with wanton abandon all those years ago. 


TheBipolarMom said...

Maggie is beautiful.

Sophie said...

Love this post and the new course you are charting for your life. Just the changes in your attitude and self-concept from this week of work experiences is wonderful!

Jules said...

Your Cicadas are my Cegal's Same bug, different diverative. In my world the cegal arrive in the desperate heat. You never notice their arrival, or the loud noise that they make, much like tinitus. Until they all shut up at once. And then suddenly, you notice them for their momentary silence.

I'm gushing with pride for you... Stand up for your life and be MY inspiration!!


pattycakes said...

sounds like a lovely way to end a very busy productive day
good for you , keep it up
one day your whole life could be very different , who knows you might meet the woman of your dreams :)

Anonymous said...

why do you always describe the skins color of black people, but never "There were 2 little white boys"?

Racism stinks

This IS The Fun Part! said...

Anonymous - you are WAY too picky! Back off, will ya?

Andrew dear,

I so look forward to each new post. It's like waiting to open a new package at Christmas . . Just all kinds of wonderful good things here these days!

Keep on keeping on - - and give Maggie a little extra affection - I'm sure she misses you so much! And give her a hug from me, too!

Love ya,

justLacey said...

I am proud of your recent successes. Who knew you would be able to return to not one but two jobs. I hope you will be able to stick to the plan of an occasional beer and not make it a habit. You know they make non alcoholic beer too? What an entrepreneur you have become!

Summer said...

I grew up with the same saying about the devil and his wife if the sun was shining while it was raining. It was said that if you hammered a nail into the ground and put your ear up to it, you could hear her screaming.

Don't you love the South?

LM said...

Anonymous...take a hike.

Andrew, I am so proud of your accomplishments. Consider giving justLacy's suggestion a try (non-alcoholic beer) and see what you think about it.

Way to go...and am so much enjoying your photos in the blog of "JOYS".

forsythia said...

Makes me nervous just to read about your drinking, but I'm gonna have to let you handle it. :-)

About Anonymous's comment: well, maybe you could have called them "African-Americans," which is the preferred PC term these days, I guess, but you let the reader know something about the players which also lets you know something about what's gong on with their banter. The tone of voice, the kidding, etc. I can just hear it.

Syd said...

I am glad for you. Maggie is really cute. Dogs are such good companions. Nice job with your work.

Anonymous said...

so many folks here turn a blind eye to racists.
shame on you all.

glittermom said...

Glad to hear you could cut down on the amt. of beer you drink at night..also looking forward to hearing how your 8 hr. day went today....When you get home just rest and take it easy....cuddle Maggie...

skinny minny said...

anonymous, black, white, brown are colors they are descriptive words nothing more nothing less. Andrew is by his picture white so the perspective he writes from is white anything else needs to be described if he were say George and black then he would describe those non-black people as white or brown or...whatever described them. same as you might say someone was wearing glasses or had long hair or was in a car or on a bike or walking, old young, child adult. without the use of desriptive words writing is almost impossible and it IS boring and bland. GET A LIFE.
Andrew, you are doing awesome! Keep it up.

Tee said...

My grandmother used to use that same expression. She had lots of them. I suggested to my Mom she might want to write all those old expressions down for a keepsake.