Thursday, July 15, 2010

Visitors :-)

queen-corgis_1480921i Kim stopped by for a short while after work tonight to see Maggie and the house.  I was so glad to see her and keen to show off my abode.  I wanted to show her that I was “well equipped” as far as life was concerned.  And that I could provide a home if we ever got that far.  I know I am thinking far too ahead, but it’s a guy thing I think.  I just wanted to impress her like a peacock strutting around with his feathers flared.

Kim fawned over Maggie.  She has a corgi and she said she is bringing her over tomorrow to meet Maggie.  I made a little joke about having a dog fit for a queen. The only kind of dog Queen Elizabeth owns are corgis. Dad would have loved that little reference being so keen on the British Royal Family.

Not too soon after Kim had left, there was a loud knock on the door and Maggie started to bark.  It was my deceased neighbor’s sister.

“Did you mow Joyce’s grass?” she asked.

“Yes ma’am.  I did,” I replied. “I thought you needed the help with that.”

“Thank you so much,” she said giving me a strong hug. “I just haven’t been able to get around to it.  I am going to start paying you $20 dollars to cut it every two weeks.”

“You don’t have to pay me,” I told her.  “Joyce was such a good neighbor to me.”

“No. I insist,” she said, reaching into her purse and giving me $20 dollars.

Well, this now makes 5 regular clients for my lawn care business.  Monday will start another cycle of mowing again.  That makes a hundred dollars every two weeks I am making on a regular basis now that I am charging $20 dollars a yard.  I am not getting rich, but the money sure is nice after not having any for years and years. 


Diana said...

I love that you've changed your name......a true sign of progress! I am very happy for you.

This IS The Fun Part! said...

Another blissfully successful day!


Tee said...

Love your new blog name! My goodness, you already have five clients. That's the way to build a business, one clients at a time. That's great having $200 cash a month to buy those luxury items you have been wanting.

Syd said...

Sounds like another good day. Plus a visit from Kim and her dog. I think that she likes you.

Moonroot said...

Glad to hear things are now going so well for you. It's been especially encouraging to hear about your successes with gaining employment - I'm trying to get back to work after a prolonged absence myself and sometimes it seems like one step forward, two steps back. So it's really heartening for me to hear of your successes.

And as a long time reader of your blog I'm so happy to hear of this upturn in your fortunes. Go Andrew!

justLacey said...

Great day for you! Here's to many, many more.

forsythia said...

So pleased to hear about the great days you've been havng. You're gonna be rich if you don't watch out.

Old Hippy said...

Andrew, I just caught up reading your blog and once more I am reminded of my own delima over the last 15 years, Anxiety, Depression and Sexual Dysfunction. Plaese take the time to check out my blog, Maybe it will help.
Namaste, Old Hippy, Stephen