Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Giant Case of TP...

George surprised and shocked me this morning when he told me his hourly wage at Wal-Mart Distribution.

"I am paying all momma's bills these days," he told me.

And he should! Florene Jones has been his saving grace for years.  She has kept George up for most of his adult life.    

Mom looked so nice today.  She really looked ten years younger.

"I got my hair done," she said with a smile. "But your daddy asked what that is going to cost if I get my hair done three times a week."

"Bah humbug!" I though of dad doing that.

Mom is my commissary.  She keeps me well stocked with staple items.  In a sack today were 12 diet cokes, a can of shaving cream since I have been shaving with soap.  In the backseat of mom's car was the biggest case of toilet paper I have ever seen.  It won't fit in the closet of my bathroom so it is sitting on the floor of my computer room.  Mom never did do anything half-assed. 


(M)ary said...

maybe you should throw a tablecloth over the TP and call it a nightstand.

Moohaa said...

Well, you won't run out for a very, very long time, that's for sure!! I'm glad George is doing so well, it's got to be a boost for his morale and self esteem. Take care friend!!

KathyA said...

Is that an intended pun, Andrew? :)

Cheryl said...

Thank goodness for moms. And dads. Both in their own way.

Happy Thursday!