Friday, September 25, 2009

Clandestine Operations...

This is how an alcoholic thinks and acts. Just trade Diet Cokes for beer. This is why I feel so guilty.

I did something today I feel terrible about. I shouldn't have done it, but I was just desperate for six more Diet Cokes. I spent my last dime last night filling up my car with gas. I am only supposed to have six Diet Cokes per day as my parents say I am OCD about them. The day started with me driving over this morning to get my six cokes. Mom already had them in a plastic bag and ready at the back door. She was expecting me to come. Well, I knew Helen was cooking over there today and it was around two. I knew she would just about be pulling the meatloaf out of the oven and she was. I drove over knowing mom would be asleep and Helen would have the back door open. Easy access. I snuck down the steps to the basement and got six more Diet Cokes and drove home. I feel really, really badly right now. Like I just smoked crack or something. George is going to love to berate me tomorrow for feeling this way when I tell him about it. "You're goddamned thirty seven years old!" I can hear him exclaim now.


Leann said...

I completely understand the feelings of guilt Andrew, as I'm sure most of our readers will. We have all experienced it at one time or another. I wish I could honestly say that you should not have done it, but I agree with George. You are 37 years old and they are Diet cokes, not alcohol. We should all have one decadence in our lives as long as it is not harmful to us.

KathyA said...

So does that mean you drank 12 diet cokes? Doesn't the caffeine affect you????

Andrew said...


I used to drink 20 beers a day. Every day. Diet Cokes pale in comparison.

Cheryl said...

That's right. Diet Cokes pale in comparison. Just tell your mom and get it off your chest. She'll be fine and you'll feel better. Really :)