Saturday, September 05, 2009

The Traveler...

There are days you don't want to wake up.  Restless nights.  Nightmare hours of panic and dread.  I haven't even been online much in two weeks except for 15 minutes to check on Cheryl, Professor, and Annabel.   I am caught in the throes of one the worst spells I can ever remember with my mental illness. 

Until this malaise lets up some, I going to be light as far as the travels of me on the web go.  Nothing interests me online anymore.  There was a certain "craft" to blogging.  Facebook and other popular web apps drive a socially phobic person like me crazy.  Twitter was blogging for ADHD people. 

Well, I've probably overspoken, outspoken, and just generally botched up this blog post.  I am going to bed where kinder nightmares await. 


justLacey said...

Here's to hoping you are back on your feet soon. Hang tough, you have made it through trying times before and you will this time as well.

Peg McGuire said...

Praying for you. I hope you feel better soon. Do kind things for yourself and don't worry about the rest.

forsythia said...

I'm sorry you're not feeling well these days. Here's hoping that better days are just around the corner.

Annabel said...

Sorry to hear you're having a tough time. Just hang in there. Let me know if there's anything I can do. I'm flattered you're still reading my blog... I'm trying to update more often.
Know you're missed and your friends are thinking of you.

Jamie said...

I'm sorry to hear that you're having such a rough time right now, Andrew. You know this will pass, it always does. Hang in good friend, I will be thinking about you.

Hugs. :)

Lena said...

Thank you for checking in, even thought it was difficult for you to do so. I am sorry to hear that you are in such despair. Know that we all are pulling for you to overcome this rough patch, as you have in the past.

You are right, blogging is a craft and one that you do so well.

Take care of yourself.

(M)ary said...

facebook and twitter annoy me too!

let's all make a pact to not give up on blogging. if we all stick with it, there will still be a blogging community out there.

get well soon, Andrew!

Kathy said...

Wondered where you've been. Hang in there.

impromptublogger said...

Andrew my dear I hope that you start feeling like "yourself" again soon. This illness is so brutal on its sufferers. Big big hugs to you.

I don't like Twitter either - I don't think I want to know, nor do people want to know every detail of my life.

Moohaa said...

Ah, friend, I am sorry the days are treating you poorly. But even on a bad day, your words are well said and draw in eager readers.

Twitter bites. Just had to add that in.


Cin said...

I hope you start feeling better soon. You are in my thoughts!

Jessica said...

Sending some light your way. Facebook is annoying the crap out of me lately too. I like real blogging so much more. Hope you get to feeling better really soon!

conisong said...

I have been wondering where u have been.
I am sorry that you have such a struggle with mental illness but you always seem to find the right thing to do. You are an overcomer. I pray that your victory will come soon.
I love what u said about Twitter being a blog for people with ADHD!

Charlotte said...

Something must be going on because I've been hospitalized twice this summer and received a new diagnosis... bipolar II disorder. Geez... been a rough time for me, too... I get it my friend... I get it... thoughts and prayers for you...

This IS The Fun Part! said...

You and Maggie take care of each other. There are a lot of us out here who care more than you think! We'll bug ya a little, like always - but we mean well!

I have faith that you can work through this . . . it's well worth it. Just remember that the good days are worth fighting for.

Yell out if we can help.


Golden To Silver Val said...

I am so sorry you're going through this, Andrew. Have you had a recent prescription change that could be the culprit? Please mention this to your doctor. Hang in there and remember that you're not alone in this...we all care about you.

Leann said...

I've missed reading your posts Andrew and will pray that you come thru this with a brighter, healthier perspective. Take the time you need for YOU>

Cheryl said...

Look at all these amazing people who care about you. And these are just the ones who comment. I'd venture to say you have a lot of people who really care about you. I'm sorry that your illness has reared it's ugly head. This time will pass, as it has in the past. Stay with us...I'm always here for you, looking for you, wondering about life in AL for my friend. Now I know. Thanks for letting me be a part of it. That means a lot more than you know.

Becky said...

Just glad to see you back...