Thursday, September 10, 2009

Dog Tired...

Maggie just sent up the cue that its time to go to bed.  I was in the den watching a diamond themed show on ShopNBC when Maggie walked in and collapsed on the floor in front of me.  It has been a hard day of barking at kitties and keeping an eye on pedestrians. 

Speaking of kitties. Maggie's learned a new trick.  I get on the couch and tell Maggie to "get the kitty" and she will go ape shit bananas trying the find the cat in the yard as she growls and barks ferociously. I can't do it too often for fear she will learn that I am crying wolf.   

Mom is in one of her "I can't be alone" phases.  She was over at lunch asking me a hundred questions.  "Why are you browning the ground beef in the microwave?" "Why are you hoarding these plastic bags?" "Why does the moon revolve around the Earth?"  You get the gist.  I did cook my tacos at lunch today and they were delicious.

"How many weight watchers points are these tacos?" I asked mom.

"I don't know and I don't care," mom replied as she put on some cheese and an extra dollop of sour cream. 

That elicited the biggest grin out of me.  My grandmother, dad's mom, was like that.  She liked to make people feel good about eating and to cook like it will always bring them back.   


impromptublogger said...

Maxdog has the same rough duties. I always say he carries a bad at all times. Now he has a deputy - Echo who will grow up to be much bigger and even scarier than him!

I'm glad that you and your Mom enjoy having meals together. That is the way of a true Southerner.

impromptublogger said...

Correction - carries a BADGE.... (oops)

(M)ary said...

isn't hording plastic bags environmentally friendly? it's the new cool.

my cats whine and hiss at other cats that come near the house. the dog barks. i tell them to be nice to the poor outdoor kitties!