Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Anatomy of a Lithium Abstainer...

It has been a week off Lithium salt so far.  Slowly, the anxiety attacks have decreased and when I do have them, they are not nearly as severe.  My sex drive is back for the first time in years.  The strange metallic taste in my mouth is gone.  And food tastes incredibly, 100 times better.  I can also relax which is a VERY novel thing for me.  The only time I can relax is when I take my Klonopin. 

Dad made a concession to me last night about my medications.  It shocked me that he would do such a thing.  I am to take some of my medications in the morning so I get the full effect during the day.   He hasn't hardly shown any kind of trust in me in years.  Especially, trust in allowing me to take my medications on my own schedule.

This also has a dual benefits.  At night, I was throwing up the Lithium along with my anti-depressant and a 6 mg Risperdal.  This allows me to continue to take those beneficial medications without throwing them up. 


KathyA said...

Glad you're doing better.

justLacey said...

Sounds like a win, win to me.

Moohaa said...

Definitely sounds like a good situation for you. It's great your dad is showing trust in you.. that you deserve!!

Enjoy the relaxation friend!

Cheryl said...

I'm so glad you're feeling these positive effects. It really must be wonderful. Will there be side effects of not taking your Lithium? I hope not because you sound so much better now.