Sunday, September 20, 2009

Blessings Come in Honda's...

Mom came over a moment ago.  She was in her pajamas which I got on to her about.  I am always afraid she will have an accident and not be dressed.  How this got by my father I do not know, but she escaped their house dressed in her nightgown and bedroom slippers.

Mom was bringing me my daily allotment of Diet Cokes.  All six of them! (sneer!) Bless her heart as I was jonesing for some caffeine.

Now, my mother can ask you a hundred questions in ten minutes.

"Why do you have your model railroading magazines on the piano?" was one question.

"It's my shrine," I replied proudly. "They're the latest ones and I know what I have to read next."

"Your daddy and Charlie would say that's tacky," mom furthered.

Great!  Way to make me feel good about my favorite hobby, Mom!

Mom's left.  The next treat for the day will be dad with my medications.  I will get to take my anti-anxiety meds and relax for a few hours until they fade.    


(M)ary said...

looks like a great thing to do on a rainy Sunday---read some good magazines (-:

This IS The Fun Part! said...

Hey Andrew!

What are the chances that we can see a picture or ten of your trains? My brothers had a big layout when we were teenagers - I was always jealous 'cause it was really big and had tons of goodies to play with on it!


Leann said...

So do you play that fine specimen of a piano?

Lena said...

I like how your magazines are displayed!

KathyA said...

You have trains, too? Wow!

Becky said...

hey Andrew my husband works for the rr and we have some collectible memorabilia around if you want it shoot me an email and addy and I will get them to you....and send whatever else we continue to get.