Friday, September 18, 2009

Women's Beauty Products...

Okay, I watch a lot of ShopNBC.  Don't ask me why as I am unsure how I fell into this habit as well. These shopping networks are geared towards women except for the men's wristwatch shows which I love.  

Are all women's beauty products a gimmick?  They feature tons of them on ShopNBC.  Today was Elizabeth Grant skincare.  She has this secret ingredient called "tirrucellum" that comes from the ocean around Britain and is supposed to make the years fade away. (GIMMICK!)  She also has lots of products with real gold in them to make you radiant. (GIMMICK!) Yesterday, they had on this Hollywood beauty guru and he was selling this stuff called "Dust."  It comes out of the can as a dust and turns into a cream/conditioner when you rub it in your hair. (GIMMICK!)  And the prices are exorbitant!!!  My favorite part is the before and after photos.  In the before photos, the women look dour and sad.  In the after photos, they are smiling brilliantly and look radiant.  Can you say photoshop?

Well, that is enough of my little beauty product rant.  Women, what do you think?


geelizzie said...

Yes, they are all a gimmick and end up costing women hundreds of wasted dollars. Using sunscreen on your face will do more for keeping your skin wrinkle-free than any expensive cream ever will.

This IS The Fun Part! said...

I'm sure you're right. There are women who will pay any price in the attempt to stay "young". I'll never understand why wrinkles on a man are said to give character, but on a woman they make her look old and worn! And don't get me started on the plastic surgery addicts!!

I say we let Mother Nature do her job and just live with it!


Lena said...

You got their numbers!!!!! Most women are so gullible.

Kind of sad, don't you think?

Boxer said...

Gimmicks! It's true, but it's hard to resist someone telling you it will work. I have a customer who sells cosmetics on the HSN and she says it's REALLY competitive. If your product doesn't sell well enough, you are not invited back.

Berryvox said...

Gimmicks. I remember an infomercial long ago that proclaimed, "How do Asian women stay so young-looking? They use (blah-blah)!” No, they don't. It's genetics!

(M)ary said...

um. i am a sucker for that sort of stuff, if it is on sale.

i like Dead Sea Salt products but those are hard to find around here.

right now i am using a cream made from Japanese seaweed and a cleansing mask made of arnica and pomegranate.

i don't need make-up but i love the face masks and creams and scrubs.

ps...all that stuff works on men's skin too!

KathyA said...

I know they're gimmicks, but I still love watching the before and after pics!

Tee said...

If this stuff worked then there wouldn't be plastic surgeons doing facelifts.

Francesca said...

I am not plugging anyone, but I did purchase that mineral powder makeup, as I do have a small birthmark on my cheek, and I hate it... anyway it worked for me. I have never bought anything before or feel the need to again.