Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Kneading That Dough...

Mom's been over here all day.  She's having a very hard time and doesn't want to be alone.  I am very happy to have her as I get lonely here all day with just me and Maggie.  Maggie sleeps all the time these days.  

Last night went over like a lead balloon.  I don't want to say much as not to sully this blog post with all that junk.  I am to take my Lithium and I am to learn to like it!

Mrs. Jones showed me how she makes her Southern buttermilk biscuits this morning.  I watched as she carefully and thoroughly cut in the shortening into the flour.  She them poured in the buttermilk from a measuring cup and kneaded it very sparingly before she cut the biscuits.  Let me tell you they were heavenly.

"Knead it too much and your biscuits will be tough," she told me. 

Yesterday's experiment with the Lithium dosage unleashed the hounds so to speak as far as my anxiety attacks go.  I am hoping for some peace as my Lithium levels continue to drop.  I will have to take more tonight and dad stays 15 minutes to make sure they are down good.  I am throwing those suckers up as soon as he leaves. 


This IS The Fun Part! said...

While I think it's great that you are taking charge of your own care, I have to play the devil's advocate here . . . is it possible that the doctor gave you the Lithium for something else (not knowing it would cause the anxiety). If you quit the Lithium "cold turkey", might it cause much worse problems?

Other than that - I think it's good for you to take a larger role in your needs . . . and in your mom's needs, too!


justLacey said...

Why can't you speak to your Dr. about it? Call his office.

Jenn said...

I just can't make good biscuits. Maybe she'll let you do a video tutorial??

PipeTobacco said...


The suggestion to speak to your doctor instead of your father is a very good one. Unfortunately, I know that is difficult for you as you have significant anxieties about phone conversations and speaking to your doctor.

However, if you believe the Lithium is a contributor to the anxiety, you will need to bite the bullet and talk to your doctor.


Summer said...

Post the recipe before I die of starvation!

Francesca said...

I would LOVE to get the recipe?!? You talk a lot about the food you and your friends prepare, do you think you can post some good old southern recipes? thanks!! Please take care.....