Monday, September 07, 2009

Ready to Write...

I've decided blogging has meant so much to me to try and continue.  This blog will be mainly a daily log of my symptoms with the characters in my life's various comings and goings.

Today was almost unbearable until later in the day.  I felt like I was going to jump out of my skin.  I drove around in my car and that seemed to distract me some.  Charlie came around six with my medications.  I can usually feel 100X better in an hour.  It is almost intoxicating and makes me feel like being creative.

The doldrums have a certain noticeable affect on me when my mental illness acts up.  Keeping up appearances takes on a distance third in my life's lists of priorities.  I forced myself to shower and then shave.  It does make you feel better.

My non fair weather friend stopped by tonight.  I am candid with George as far as my mental illness goes.  He will ask me if I need some space many days.  He brought me a Captain D's 3 piece fish plate for supper. I hadn't eaten all day and it was much appreciated.  


Seth M. Ward said...

A shower ALWAYS smells like a good idea!:D

Be good to yourself.

Cheryl said...

I've been waiting for you to come back. Stay, OK? You're important to me and a lot of people. This blog is what connects me to your life and I want to be a part of it. We've been friends a long time.

KathyA said...

Good decision -- and I know it took some real hard work to get yourself up and going! Bravo!

PaulB said...

Hi Andrew
good news, really great to see how
important blogging is to it is for all of us that follow you on a daily basis, and worry about you when there are gaps in the days.
Paul manchester UK

justLacey said...

I'm glad George came by and showed you a simple kindness. These are the kind we appreciate most when things seem out of control. Hang in there, we are here for you.

An Irish Friend of Bill said...

Good for you Andrew. You have come such a long way. Keep the faith.
Sending you a virtual hug :)

(M)ary said...

Awesome! Please please do keep writing. I love to read your blog.

The Hyperlexian Aspie said...

i look forward to reading your blog, whether it's musings on the weather, maggie's hijinks, your family matters, your path to sobriety, your mental health symptoms, or whatever... i am interested in your life and your health...

Judy said...

I care so much about you and how you are. You have given me so much insight into mental illness. You are a highly intelligent man and have done so well with the things you have had to deal with.

Lena said...

Glad to see you posting and hear that you pushed yourself to shower and shave. Good for u.