Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hey Maggie Lou!

Me and Maggie have a new ritual!  Maggie will come running and jump on the couch with me.  She will snuggle up to me and raise her rump.  The whole time I am a saying in baby talk, "How's my Maggie Lou!  Hey Maggie Lou!  I love you Maggie Lou!"  I say it over and over.  Maggie wants me to scratch her back and I put some lovin' on her, and she is just in ecstasy while I do it.  It is so endearing to me and makes me feel good.  Everybody needs a good dog sometimes.

This morning I puffed up my chest for courage, put on my good clothes, and headed to George's for breakfast.  I was kind of feeling like a fool after the other day.  Well, Mrs. Florene welcomed me in with open arms.  She is such a sweetheart. 

This morning we had little fried ham steaks.  Kind of like ham cutlets.   We also had her homemade biscuits and fried eggs.  I am not much one for fried eggs, but her's were awesome.  She didn't cook them too over easy.   We ate the ham in our biscuits and it was wonderful.  She also made a little extra Red Eye gravy to put on the extra biscuits we didn't eat with our ham.

Afterwards, me and George stood outside smoking and shooting the shit as George likes to say.  He was complaining of the local kids stealing his liquor bottles out of the bush by Mrs. Jones' front door.

"Those little bastards are stealing my Wild Turkey," George said with a frown.

You see?  Mrs. Florene doesn't allow George to smoke or drink inside.  He hides a bottle in a bush so he can sneak out and take a drink.  I think it is sad and hilarious at the same time.  I really wonder if kids are actually stealing George's liquor or he is just drinking it all and not remembering. 


Cheryl said...

How did I ever get so behind in reading blogs? I've read all the ones I've missed, and I feel like we've been sitting outside talking and catching up. Isn't it great when life is good? The writing comes easy then. Happy first full day of Autumn. It feels like summer here!

The Hyperlexian Aspie said...

that is a very astute question... whether george actually drank the liquor or not. it's amazing that you have managed to stay sober while friends with someone who is not. you must have a lot of strength of character.

(M)ary said...

if i was a kid, i'd nip the booze from a neighbor. most kids have to sneak it from their parents but if they can nip it from a non-relative, easier to not get caught. of course, when i was a kid we just drank a little, we didn't steal a whole bottle.

(M)ary said...

ps say hi to maggie lou!

KathyA said...

George's mother is a saint!

Francesca said...

There you go again, making my mouth water, talking about that great southern cooking!! Maybe you can get George's mothers recipes too?!?!? OK here's an idea, start another blog but with recipes! You can teach your mom how, and maybe this can give her something to do? Maybe not. I don't know. Just my own greed talking and my stomach growling.....