Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Physician’s Advice…

I spoke briefly to my doctor on the phone this afternoon telling the receptionist it was a family emergency. I had to stay on hold for about 15 minutes before she finally picked up the phone.   I’ve slept for most of the day, but got up to garner the courage to groggily make that call due to all your advice. Thank you!  I am to refuse the medications my father is coming over here tonight to give me. He was going to give me a double dose today saying it wouldn’t hurt me. “Your just going to love getting six Klonopin in a day,” my father said happily on the drive back to pick up my car at work. My doctor said to call the police if I need to and get them involved. We may need to get a restraining order for awhile until things calm down she also advised me.  She agrees with me that I have been extremely overmedicated for years and years.  I am so sleepy I can barely stay awake today. 

“Wait till tomorrow night and don’t take your 3mg of Risperdal and just take your Paxil,” she told me before hanging up. “Your 50mg injection equals to 3mg of Risperdal per day for the next two weeks. I will see you next Wednesday to see how you are doing.”

I told her honestly about going off the Risperdal abruptly before she got off the phone.

“You can’t do that,” she replied sternly. “You took extremely high dosages for eight years and no wonder you started to have problems again.  You were suffering from withdrawal and the trauma your father caused last night causing your psychosis this morning.”

I feel better with some “professional” help and advice.  It has given me the strength to carry on with my current course. I have felt like crap today – feeling buzzy and extremely sleepy.  I feel like I’ve been run over by a Mack truck with all those medications coursing through my veins – extremely fatigued.  It will take about 24 hours for them to get back out of my system my doctor told me.

Sharyna was right in the comments about my brother.  He doesn’t know what is going on.  Dad told him I was off my rocker – acting crazy and refusing my medications.  He was only trying to help me.  My brother asked me many questions about today’s symptoms on the ride to Dr. Kamath’s office this morning.  Many medical terms were blurt out by him as he listened and I talked.  I think he is gaining a better understanding of what is going on.  He is probably one of the most conscientious doctors you would ever meet and would never prescribe me medications frivolously.   


Susan said...

You know, anyone banging on my door at night after I've been asleep would cause a huge anxiety attack here.

Good for you for calling your own doctor. You and her should be in charge of your medication.

Good luck with your dad. I'm so disappointed in him. I was hoping that your progress would make him calm down.

Sharyna said...

I am so glad I checked up on you!! Do EXACTLY as your doctor says. A double dose! What is Dad thinking?? Fred wants to know if you can talk to your brother. Your bro only knows your father's side of everything. I'm sure Dad told him you were off your meds and running crazy. He probably didn't even know that you are on a new course of treatment.

Syd said...

Jonathan, I am so glad that you called your doctor. I truly believe that she has your best interest at heart and is a professional. I am not going to wonder at what your dad is doing but am glad that you are doing for yourself and taking care of you. That is what is important. We have your back as best we can.

Golden To Silver Val said...

Ok, so far so good. I'm so glad you called your listen to what she had to say. Is there any way you can get Stacey to stay the night tonight? I don't think your father will make a big scene in front of a witness. In your weakened state, its going to be harder for you to resist him and you will need someone there who has your back. If need be, Jonathon, you may have to get the authorities involved. What's being done to you is illegal!

PipeTobacco said...


I am glad you called your physician. His/her advice seems to have your best interests at heart.

If I can offer one suggestion (please disregard if you feel it is not appropriate)... try your very hardest to use moderate tones with your father tonight when he arrives with medicines. I think the self-esteem boost you will feel in handling this potentially hard situation in a calm, moderate fashion will also boost your feelings of contentment and happiness. Even if your father becomes irate, you have the option to respond in moderate tones and a calm demeanor. It may help to diffuse the sitation as well.

Wishing you luck sir, and keeping you in my thoughts,


Diana said...

I am so glad you called your doctor. Your father is out of his mind. You don't need all those meds you were on, You proved it to yourself. Do as your doctor tells you and keep taking care of yourself. You were so smart to seek a doctor that isn't controlled by your father. I'm so glad you have a caring doctor. Follow her orders and don't let your dad even have a say. Good luck Jon. Tell Stacey what is going on so she can be there for support. Hang in there.

Diana said...

Pipe Tobacco is right. You keep your cool especially when he has lost his. It will madden him of course. Stand your ground and call for help if you feel it is necessary.

Jenn said...

Good job calling your doctor. I wish you the best of luck with your dad tonight. I second all the opinion about speaking to him as calmly as possible. Hopefully, the police won't be necessary.

Cheryl said...

I'm really sorry you have to deal with this. So not fair. You've been doing well, and this too will pass. Your friends here have given you very good advice. You're gonna be OK.

Annabel said...

I agree with Pipe's advice. You can be firm and refuse the medicine without resorting to raised voices - I think a calm demeanor will show your father that you still have control over yourself. I'm thrilled that you called your doctor - I thought I posted that this morning only to discover my post didn't get through, but I'm glad others offered the same advice. Stick to your guns and be firm, but do it as calm as you can. If your father refuses to cooperate, politely ask him to leave. Tell him that if you must resort to calling the police that you will do so, but you do not want to have to resort to that.
You need to take the upper hand and be the one that remains controlled - regardless of how your father may act.

Rita said...

Good for you. Hang in there.

~~BRB Queen~~ said...

Stick with your doctor. Good call.

LM said...

Can you, Maggie and Caramel spend the night at Stacey's home this evening and avoid your Dad? Good advice to stay calm if you do have to deal with him. Can your doctor call your brother and discuss the fact that you have been over-medicated for years? You're doing wonderfully, Jonathon. Stay strong.

luvulongtime said...

I hope it doesn't come to a restraining order to fuel the fire but you need to take care of yourself most importantly. You're right, you're a grown man and you have to take care of yourself first and foremost before trying to make everyone happy.

He's not a monster. He's just misguided. But it's not your job to teach him. He's a grown man himself.

Patti said...

Jeez Louise! I can't help but wonder if your Mom needs to be on all the meds she's on currently. Maybe she needs to be seen by a non-biased doctor as well!

Justfly said...

Oh don't desire this treatment from your Dad.
Your father seems determined to be sure he was correct all those years. When this battle finally stops he is going to have to answer to the rest of your family to why he overmedicated you all those years.
I am keeping my fingers crossed that your brother listens to you.
Keep up your confidence are an inspiration.

Tee said...

You absolutely made the right decision by calling you doctor. Keep her in the loop, she can be one of your greatest advocates. If possible, tell you brother what has been going on--your dad keeping you over medicated.

I agree with Pipe, stay calm, let you dad do all the ranting and raving.

It would be good if Stacey could stay the night with you, as someone said you will have a witness if anything unusual happens. Hopefully, with someone there you dad will decide not to act out.

Leann said...

I have been so worried about you Jonathan. Please know we are all right behind you when you talk to your father tonight. I am very glad to hear you consulted your own physician. I have been concerned about your father being way out of bounds on his use of un-prescribed medications. Take care, hang tuff and good luck! ((hugs))

amelia said...

I hope it goes well tonight, can't wait to read tomorrow.
Hold your ground and call for help if you need it, there's something very wrong with your dad and I hope you don't take offence to that. I can't imagine why he'd want to keep you over medicated this way.

Hang in there and be the better man..

This IS The Fun Part! said...

I am so proud of you Jonathon. Stay calm. Get Stacey to stay with you for support (and to help with little Caramel).

Remember . . YOU are the calm one. Do not let him provoke you into a huge fight. Just state the facts. If he can't take it, call the police.

If things get too muddled, you can call your doctor again tomorrow! That, my dear, is her job. She wants to help you - let her! Make sure her number is in your cell phone.

Please take care of YOU!

Beth said...

Can you ask your brother to call your doctor and talk with her about your meds, one professional to another?

Would Charlie come sit with you tonight,maybe in addition to Stacey, or is he too afraid of alienating your father if he intervenes?

Good for you for calling her. Follow her advice. Keep your phone with you.

Lena said...

I am glad u called your doctor as well.

You are in my thoughts and prayers and I hope all goes well. And I agree, stay as calm as u can.

Leigh Ann said...

So proud of you for calling your doctor, and also for getting past the receptionist and through to her - not always an easy thing to do! You are doing wonderfully. Hang in there!

Lottie said...

I'm so proud of you for calling your Dr. Best thing you could have done. As far as your father is concerned, be firm, and straight-forward about what you want and need. Don't let him bully you... you don't deserve that. Do what you have to do when it comes to your health. You should be in control, not your father.

I'm so proud of you... you have been moving forward by leaps and bounds lately and doing so well. This is just a minor setback... keep on keeping on, my friend! :-)

This IS The Fun Part! said...

Just one more little note of support for the night! Will be praying and thinking good thoughts for you, Jonathon!

Remember, you've got this whole gang of 'fans' out here behind you - and we believe in you.


stellablue said...

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that everything works out. Also - here's a thought: it seems like your dad doesn't trust your new doctor. Maybe It would help if you invited him along to the next appt. She could explain to him face to face why she's changed your medication.

I'm relieved to see you're back on the low dose of rispirodol - I was worried about you suddenly stopping it.
Proud of you for calling your doc! And, I don't blame you at all for giving in to your dad and wanting his repect and love. That's totally normal. Hopefully though you can brin him around to support your new life after he gets in his head that your new doc has your best interests at heart.

Hang in there!

Leanne Allen Photography said...

way to go!

fingers crosed things start to improve in all ares of your life!

Summer said...

Remember when your dad said "You're not as smart as you think you are?" He was right. YOU'RE SMARTER!!!!