Tuesday, August 10, 2010

It Just Gets Better and Better…

I was over at my Benefactor’s house late this afternoon.  I had just finished mowing his back yard and was about to begin the front yard.  I was at my car drinking a bottle of cold water from my cooler when my cellphone rang.  It was my supervisor at work.

“Hey sweetheart,” she said. “I don’t mean to put pressure on you, but what do you think about working from five to one for a few weeks until I can find a better second shift guy?”

“Well,” I replied thinking for a short moment. “This is sort of sudden, but I will work it for you.”

“Steven didn’t work but a week and then quit saying it was too hot for him,” she said chuckling, but you could hear the seriousness and worry in the tone of her voice.   

“If I do okay for a few weeks, do you think we could make it permanent?” I asked.

“Oh God!” my supervisor exclaimed. “That would be a godsend. We would only need two shifts to keep us covered.  You from five to one and then the second shift person from one till nine.”

I smiled.

“What are you doing?” she then asked me.

“I am mowing grass in the afternoons for extra money,” I told her.

“Well, you are just a go getter, aren’t you?”

I laughed. “Yes ma’am.”

“I’ll see you in the morning honey.  Thank you for pulling through for me!”

I hung up the phone so glad that she had called me.  You should’ve seen the extra zest in my steps.  If I could work my main job full time and then cut grass in the afternoons then it would be the best of both worlds.  Getting off at one would still allow me plenty of daylight to hit the streets and build my business.  This is going to be a true test of my meddle, though.  I haven’t worked fulltime in eight long years (I don’t consider mowing lawns working fulltime).  I hope I handle it okay.  I am just going to wish for the best and to do my best.  That’s all I can do.  I am not going to let my supervisor down, though. 


Susan said...

Good luck full-time. They are lucking to have you.

Summer said...

I am so happy that everything is going well with you. Now I know what people mean when they say they are high on life!

justLacey said...

It's good to test the waters and see how you do. You have done so well already that if it turns out to be too much for you, you still have accomplished a great deal. I am amazed at your stories every day.

Annabel said...

So how did things go with the social security office?
BTW - If you have any blog reader spots left, Mago who often comments on my blog would like an invite.

Jonathon said...

Annabel, I am officially in the trial work period now if my income continues to exceed $720 dollars a month. This will give me until May to test my ability to work fulltime. I can stop at anytime, though, without penalty. I was honest about my income from cutting grass and it actually surprised the lady. "Most people wouldn't have reported that," she told me frankly.

geelizzie said...

Awesome! Just be sure to drink plenty of water and gatorade so you don't get dehydrated out there in that hot sun.

LDAlvarez said...

WOW! Full time, congratulations. I think you'll do just fine!

themuttonfish said...

I applaud you for your honesty. That's a good example of integrity, something that is all too rare these days.

It's Jan! said...

Jonathon, I hope you are as proud of you as we are. You have come so far in such a short time.
Funny how we now worry about you getting enough liquids to avoid dehydration, instead of you just getting by day to day.

Good work!

Carol said...

It's the best to feel known and appreciated. There's a lot to be said to being out in the world. And I love how patient you can be with your folks. We're all of us just so scared about something!

This IS The Fun Part! said...

Seems like there is a new, happy surprise almost every day for you! No wonder you get up looking forward to what each new day will bring.

Take good care of your body!
Love ya,

skinny minny said...

working full time at walmart would give you benefits like health insurance right? and I believe they also have 401K or profit sharing too. could be a great opportunity to have it all so to speak...your own business and security of insurance and full time work. Also sounds like you have definitly won over your supervisor and that makes work life so much better.
Glad you are doing so well.
you such an inspiration to me

Mike said...

Good luck with the full time work! Everything is coming together so well. Keep it up, Jonathon!

Syd said...

Sounds really good. You have a lot of ambition and a great work ethic.

Sharon said...

It looks as if things are really falling into place for you! I know you aren't used to it because it's been so long since you worked, but this will definitely give you the independence you need. Being self sufficient always feels better than being dependent on someone else, especially someone who you aren't sure supports your newfound self-respect. I hope things settle down with your parents soon, as they see you being productive and happy.

Sharyna said...

Growing every day! I am so proud of you!

LM said...

I am so proud of you and everything you are accomplishing. Way to go, Jonathon!

glittermom said...

Good for you giving it a try...If you cant do it then dont feel bad about saying so...I wish you good luck..I am sure you will be fine..

Gulf Coast said...

You are a true gem with your honesty and work ethics. There are so few of you in our world. You have a great supervisor and that is a plus in case you need your hours cut. Sounds like she would be flexible if needed.

Mary K said...

Awesome, just awesome! :D

Matt said...

With reporting your grass cutting income, make sure you know if and how much they may hit you with for taxes next year when you file. It may not be much, but you may owe some come years end as there isn't any with holdings on it. I would hate for you to get a surprise bill from the IRS. Just a heads up. Good luck!

pattycakes said...

congrats on your new life , im excited every day to read your next post all the time . keep it up and keep cool by drinking lots of water , have a great day

Dana said...

You are so very impressive. Many years ago, a disheveled and sweaty man came to my door one sweltering summer day offering to mow my lawn for $10. He spoke of his family, and of course I allowed him to do the job. When I tried to pay him $20 after the job was complete, he declined the extra money. He opened a ledger, wrote the date and logged the $10 I had paid him, and asked me to please sign my name next to the entry. He told me he kept this record for his SSI disability, and reported every dollar he made each month. His honesty moved me so much that I slipped a $50 bill behind the page I signed. I will never forget that man, as I learned a lesson in integrity that hot afternoon. People like you are inspiring, and I'm so proud to be one of your readers. Thank you, Jonathan, for being you.