Sunday, August 22, 2010

Going on 36 Hours…

If you would have asked me three days ago if I would be almost 36 hours without a cigarette, I would have laughed.  I will never forget as long as I live that last cigarette in my car on the drive home from Fat Albert’s.  I savored every last puff.  Stacey has been very supportive even though she continues to smoke.  I put the ashtray out on the porch and she has been going out there to imbibe.  She is very skeptical that I will make it a week I smoked so heavily for years.  Since she’s known me, I’ve smoked one cigarette after the other while at home.  I am just taking it one day at a time – one day is all I’ve got.  I haven’t been so determined about something since I decided to go for my independence from my parents, though, and I am out to prove Stacey wrong.  Stacey thought of quitting with me, but she is worried she will gain weight.  I can understand that as food already is starting to taste better and I can breathe out of my nose again for the first time in years.  I didn’t wake myself up snoring last night.


I woke up at 1am and couldn’t get back to sleep.  It didn’t help that I checked the radar and we have storms on the way which excited me and for which I will stay up and wait on.  I can only guess my insomnia is from both medication and nicotine withdrawal.  My doctor warned me the reduced dosage of my Risperdal from 8.5mg to 3mg would cause this. It is not pleasant as I feel tired, but I can’t sleep. I opened up the windows in the den and am waiting on the first sound of thunder.  The fall crickets have started calling I noticed tonight – a certain species in the South that only calls late in the summer season into the fall.

What’s That Smell?

Stacey and I were laying in bed last night with the dogs. I smelled this horrible rotten egg smell waft over my nostrils.

“Did you just fart?” I asked Stacey with a vigorous grin.

She laughed and laughed.

“It was one of the dogs, silly!” she exclaimed, still laughing.

It seems the Puppy Chow is too rich for our grown pups and has caused some intestinal distress. They are absolutely obsessed over the Puppy Chow, though, and would eat it until they are sick. Itchy and Scratchy are going to get fat if we are not careful.  Sadie is already kind of portly. 


Sharyna said...

Congrats on giving up the cigs! You can do this...

justLacey said...

The most stressful part of insomnia for me is knowing I have to get up and go to work and just laying there trying to sleep. I find if I just get up and go about my business that the lack of sleep will make me sleep the next night. It makes a long afternoon the next day so don't take a nap, but hopefully you'll sleep the next night.
Once all the dogs are on the same food it will get easier to geed everyone. When Panda was 6 months old we got Reese. She was much easier to house train and just followed Panda for the most part. Boxers are high strung, labs are not so they kind of balance each other out. Panda just turned 4 and he is only beginning to settle down a little Reese has been low key since day one. She only gets excited when I come home from work. I think it's because she knows she is going to eat. She would eat until she explodes if I let her.

Diana said...

Good job! Drink lots of water too, it will help with all that yuck that you cough up. It takes a couple weeks for this to take it's course. Be strong. You can do anything you put your mind to.

kristi said...

I bet it must be difficult with Stacey still smoking! I am so glad my hubby does not smoke, but he does dip smokeless tobacco..that is pretty yucky!

Tee said...

You are doing so well.

The bit about the dogs just cracked me up.

Syd said...

Jonathan, get a small crate and feed Caramel in it. She will also house train much quicker. I have done crate training for all our dogs and it works!

Congrats on your determination to not smoke again. That is awesome. One day at a time works.

Debbie said...

Caramel is a princess! Her ears are up already, her nostrils are open wide, and white collar looks perfect! Can you tell I have 2 BT's? Good luck with the no smoking too, I am battling that ddiction again myself.

Rita Mosquita said...

I have never been a smoker. This is impossible for me to understand how difficult it must be to quit.
I had a friend who quit smoking and she told me there are programs that help. seems to have guides that tell about the steps to quitting. They have tools to help. has ideas, but they want to shock and terrify you also.
I suggest that you look for ideas online. My friend had a list of things she could do when she had the urge to smoke. Often these were oral substitutions, such as, brush her teeth, drink some water, chew some gum.

You are really making some progress with your life. Nothing like this is ever easy and perfect and without a stumble or two. It is understandable that there will be glitches. Your dad feels the need to completely control your every breath and movement. Hang in there. YOU CAN DO IT!!!
So happy to see the progress you've made and how much better you seem to be feeling.

My thought about how your dad has taken complete control of your life: if your dad ran and controlled your life forever, what would happen when he dies, or is no longer functional?

LDAlvarez said...

My friend used "My Time To Quit dot com" she said it helped her a lot.
I know you can do it Jonathon, your a
very determined man!
The puppy is adorable, what a sweet face.

AJ said...

Dude... you have a Boston Terrier... welcome to the world of farts, snoring, and crazy erratic behavior.

Blogger said...

After doing some research online, I got my first e-cig kit on VistaVapors.