Monday, August 23, 2010

Mom Never Asks for Favors, But She Did Today…

“My back and leg are killing me,” mom said this afternoon on the phone. She sounded so tired.  “Your father says it’s because I am so fat.  Will you go with me to the grocery store and to your father’s pharmacy to help get everything?”

“Sure,” I replied. “Do you want me to pick you up or will you pick me up?”

“I will be over in a minute,” mom said. “Let me fix my hair. I want to see the puppy.”

Mom picked me up and we drove to the pharmacy first to do some shopping.  Mom had to get a check from dad from my disability account for my groceries.  Mom also had a case of paper towels to pick up that Judy had ordered for Helen, and she also had to get her prescriptions filled. I got some razor blades, a case of diet Sprite, and three packs of toilet paper while we were there.  Dad was behind the counter smiling warily at his “mentally interesting” crew as he calls us.  I talked briefly to dad about painting the inside of my house.  He has a credit account next door at Hayes’ Hardware and I wanted to get some paint and brushes.  I am hoping my disability money will pay for it.  Charlie painted every room in my house the same drab olive color and it has grown old.  I also want to finish painting all my trim a cream color as well. 

“How much do you think it will cost?” dad asked apprehensively.

“Not much,” I replied very optimistically. “I will be doing all the work.”

“Bring me all the receipts so I can see what your spending,” dad finally told me, giving in. “I don’t want a big surprise when they send me the bill at the end of the month.”

We then drove to get my groceries.  Mom had two pages of recipes and ingredients to give to me as we started shopping.  I did all the hard work and she just pushed the cart around having to stop every so often to rest.  We got all the ingredients to fix her lasagna, spaghetti, tangy chicken, sour cream and mushroom chicken, and beef lo mien.  Mom got to feeling better after we got out and about and she exercised her leg some. 

“It sure helps when you go to buy groceries with me,” she told me thankfully as I pushed the buggy out to her car. “You need to go with me every week.”

I told her I would be glad to.  I always thought I was a third wheel and got in her way.  We then headed to the optometrist to pick up my six month’s supply of contacts.

“I forgot all about your contacts even though I wrote it on my calendar,” mom told me very worriedly. “Your two month’s overdo for your disposables. It’s a wonder your eyeballs aren’t rolling out of your head.”

I laughed. Things like this just don’t even enter my mind.  My mother is so keen on the details.  She even keeps a separate calendar for Maggie’s healthcare and has added Caramel as well.  We got in a small argument over who would pay for the contacts, though.  It was $160 dollars for six pair.  I pulled out my debit card to pay, but mom insisted on writing a check.  I finally gave in when she looked at me sternly and blew loudly, tired of my arguing.

“I am just not feeling well physically these days,” mom told me as I drove her Honda back to my house. “Will you drive me down to Connie’s tomorrow in Auburn?”

“Sure!” I replied. “What time is the appointment?”

“Three o’ clock Auburn time,” mom said. “Four our time.”

Connie is mom’s soft tissue therapist which dad says is a glorified and expensive back massage. Mom exclaims that it works wonders for her leg and back and has been seeing Connie for close to fifteen years.  We both agreed it would be nice to eat an early supper at Red Lobster while we were down there.

“I want you to drive so I can have a few Margaritas!” mom said as she started to laugh.

Mom never drinks so this interested me greatly.  Mom and dad have both been teetotalers for the majority of my life.  I just laughed and told her I would be glad to drive and give her a break.  It would be my treat and I look forward to going with her tomorrow.

Well, I am off to the hardware store to pick out paint colors and to grab some paint and painting supplies.  I hope this will be an interesting new hobby for me if you can call painting the inside of your house a hobby.  


Annabel said...

It's great that you and your mom are so close like that. Do tell what colors you choose to paint your house. I know it's a chore, but I always enjoyed painting my house. I need to repaint my kitchen, living room, and hallway but it will have to wait until next summer.

impromptublogger said...

I'm glad your Mom is deciding to live a little! It is nice that she is getting inspired by you.

Sharyna said...

THE HOMELESS GUY IS GETTING A GUN!!I just read on his FB page that he's attending a Handgun Permit Class. This can lead to go good...LOL. I knew you'd get a laugh out of that. Or worry yourself sick about the safety of Nashville. I have grandkids not far from Nashville!

Anyway, I think it's great that you went shopping with Mom! More independance, recipes and shopping lists. Hubby Fred and I love to grocery shop together. Maybe you and Stacey will like it too!

geelizzie said...

You are making me hungry with all the grocery talk! The sour cream and mushroom chicken, tangy chicken, and beef lo mein all sound really appetizing. When you make them how about sharing pictures and maybe even the recipes with us all?

And Caramel is so so cute!!

This IS The Fun Part! said...

Your mom stories are so much fun. She is so dedicated to you - and such a kind soul. I'm so glad to see you spending a little more time with her now that you're getting used to being more social!

Have a great Tuesday, my friend!
Love to all!

kristi said...

I did a lot of painting when I was first laid off. I painted almost every room, touched up some walls,we have been here 5 years so it wasn't too bad, but I am a little OCD on things looking good! Have fun at Red Lobster with your Mom.

amelia said...

I still don't like the way your dad wants to keep track of your spending. Time for all that to stop..
It's so nice at least that you and your mum can get on well together. I hope she enjoys her margarita's!!

justLacey said...

Sounds like a fun day today ad tomorrow. I know your mom must enjoy your company. You understand her limitations, but since you have left most of yours behind now, you are a big help to her. I know she likes that and it will probably ease her mind somewhat only having had your dad to depend on.
Love, love, love hearing about your days. It fills my heart with joy.

muttonfish said...

You are continuing to show improvement in leaps and bounds! You are blowing my mind, big guy. :)

Summer said...

Painting can be a pain and fun at the same time. The finished product always makes me smile.

Hugs to you and your Mom.

Carol said...

I find that fixing my house up is a lot like fixng me up, I get into it once I get going. Your mom sounds nice and so do you.

Sharon said...

We're doing stuff in the house and painting has been one of them. After years of having boring white walls, we're going all out for color and enjoying it immensely. A change every now and then is always good!

Syd said...

Good luck with the painting job. I am sure anything will look better than olive drab.