Friday, August 13, 2010

And Away She Goes…

“I’m headed to Newnan,” Stacey just said from her Eclipse calling me on my cellphone. “I am so nervous.  I hope my mother plays nice. She always stays on me about my weight.”

“You could have my father for a parent!” I reminded her.

“Yeah, you are right,” she replied. “My mom is pretty tame compared to your dad.”

“What did you end up getting the girls?” I asked.

“I got Emily a Wii Fit and Stephanie a few Barbie's and various toys.  I am so excited to see them!”

“I know you are.  Those sound like wonderful gifts the girls will love.  Call me when you get there so I know you are safe.”

“I will, sweetheart.  I love you and will see you on Sunday,” Stacey told me before getting off the phone.

“I love you, too, sweetheart.  Have a grand time!  And kiss the girls for me.”

I hung up the phone reflecting on what it would be like to be a parent – to have your very own progeny.  I’ve never given much thought to having kids. Rachel couldn’t have children having problems with her ovaries.  It was probably the best thing that ever happened to me I finally concluded.  I also thought what if I and Stacey get married one day.  I would become an instant parent – having to help raise two small girls.  It scares me, but excites me at the same time.  I hope I can overcome my aloofness with regards to kids someday before that happens.  Who knows?  I might make a decent dad.


kristi said...

Let me tell you first hand parenting is hard. Parenting girls is tough due to hormones..ugh. I have a teenager!

amelia said...

My daughter has 19yr old triplet daughters, my grandchildren and I'm telling you, it's a nightmare at that age and I'm glad I live just a bit too far away for them to run to me!!!

Leann said...

It is the most rewarding and frustrating thing you'll ever do.

Lena said...

You were wise not to accompany Stacey. It will give the girls a chance to have her all to herself! They must miss her so.

You are kind of a celeb in blog world. You will have your naysayers and your fans because of your popularity, but it seems your fans outweigh the rest of them.

Anne said...

Glad to see you back, I follow you on google reader!

Syd said...

Hope that she has a good trip and fun with her girls. Enjoy your weekend.

Lil Toni said...

You did the best thing by sitting this one out.
The children probably need the time alone with their mother on this visit, and I can also tell you (from experience), it is best to test the waters tentatively with prospective step-children.
I sincerely hope things go well for Stacey...and you as well, in the long run.
Da (female!) Coonass

forsythia said...

Don't worry too much about your "aloofness" with regards to kids. It'll melt away naturally as you get to know them and they get to know you. Give it time.