Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Quick Note Before Work…

Yesterday, I updated my Weather and Photo Blog and never got around to updating my main blog.  It was a very busy day and I was just exhausted all day and lost my muse for the evening and went to bed early after taking my Ambien.  Mom and I got Lucky to the Veterinarian after work which was an interesting ordeal. The Vet wants to watch him a few days until the swelling in his face goes down.  He had a terrible infection.  He also got neutered much to his chagrin.  Mom insisted on paying the Vet bill and I didn’t argue this time.  It was going to be very expensive.  Mom was cheerleaders with Joyce during high school and felt helping Lucky was the least she could do for Joyce and in her memory.  Mom has a very soft spot for animals. Especially strays and homeless animals.

Mom and I then went to buy groceries yesterday.  I only spent $64 dollars and this worried mom something fierce after we had gotten home.  Dad allows me to spend $85 dollars a week on groceries out of my disability money.   I told her that I am supplementing my groceries out of my own money like buying all my own breakfast foods – breakfast being my biggest and most favorite meal of the day.  Mom called me three times last night insisting on going back to the grocery store to buy more groceries.  She can be a little obsessive compulsive as I have said before.  She got another disability account check from my father. I sighed and gave in just to quiet mom.  I bought lots of Chef Boy Ar Dee as they were on sale for .99 cents each, bought an enormous jar of peanut butter, and other assorted “freebie” items such as a gigantic $5.99 bottle of A1 steak sauce.  I also used some of the money to buy new chew toys for Caramel.

I installed an update from window’s update on Windows 7 last night and it caused my Ethernet Internet connection to stop working making Windows 7 practically worthless.  Damn Microsoft.  I haven’t had any problems whatsoever with Ubuntu Linux other than the technical aspects of getting everything configured to my liking.  I uninstalled Windows 7 and glared at the computer screen and told Microsoft to go to hell.   

Well, I am off to get ready for work, cook a breakfast of cheese toast, grits and eggs, and then drive over to get my diet Sprites for the day.  I have so much more to write about and am looking forward to a day off tomorrow to catch up on things. My life has gotten so hectic lately with so many plans and projects going on.  I feel like Annabel.  


amelia said...

That's great that you were able to do all that for Lucky. You might find that he's more likely to be friendlier now and he might even become a house cat!! I hope his face gets better, I'm sure it will with the care he's getting.

justLacey said...

Mom is so sweet and I know you think you are helping her by not letting her do her normal routines, but I think she must need that structure in her life. I hope Lucky recovers soon and you have a nice quiet day off. I have a job interview today so I will not be at work which will be a nice break.

Syd said...

Glad that Lucky will be okay. I won't have anything but a Mac from now on. I can run windows if necessary for some programs but the OS for Mac is so much more stable.

Summer said...

Annabel wears me out just reading her and now you....

Tee said...

I like your new blog design.

Your mom is a sweetheart! I identify with her heart for animals. Hopefully the vet can get that infection under control and then get him "fixed". It might not fix the fighting situation because cats are so territorial and want to protect it from invaders.

Have a great day.

Annabel said...

Glad to have company along for the ride on the busy train! Sometimes the busy-ness is good though. Keeps me out of trouble!

LDAlvarez said...

I went back and read some of your old posts yesterday. OMG! It's like night and day. Your doing so well! Once again I admire you and your chutzpah!
I'm not sure given the same circumstances I would have done as well.