Wednesday, January 30, 2019

25 Degrees of Fun…

“It’s a tad bit chilly out tonight, eh?” I asked my father in a perfectly respectable Canadian accent last night as we briskly walked across the parking lot to Kroger.

It was actually 25° degrees outside. All I could think of were Terrence and Philip and the opening segue to South Park: The Movie.

He laughed and said, “Oh yeah, eh?” in a really bad Canadian accent that made me chuckle.

“We sound like that politician, Sarah Palin,” he furthered as we laughed some more.

“She was Alaskan by the way,” I reminded my father.

It was time to do some shopping and I already knew what I wanted. Tuna helper was the name of the game and I was going to spice it up with some cheddar cheese and broccoli florets. I also got lots of sandwich fixins. I am fixated on sandwiches at the moment. I guess because they are so easy to fix and clean up after. I just adore a sandwich with some of that spicy, horseradish infused mustard.

Well, Judy rang up my groceries and it was really cheap. I had only spent $59.99. I was perplexed. I realized when I got home I had forgotten to get my sandwich meats which would have been around $20. I called my father and explained the situation.

“Just go back up there and debit them,” he said with a exhausted sounding sigh. “Just don’t buy any beer.”

I hurried back to Kroger while my car was still warm. I got two “mega” packs of oven roasted turkey breast for $18.99 and went through the self checkout lane. The temperature had fallen to 24° degrees by the time I got back home. I shut the door to my chilly house and turned up the heat. 


glittermom said...

Was minus 1 here today. I’d be happy with 25. For you southern folk I guess 25 is low. Your spring comes a lot earlier too.

Jenny said...

-44 yesterday-38 today.