Saturday, January 05, 2019

An A For Effort…

“Your body is here, but I think you left your mind at home,” dad told me tonight chuckling as we stood in line at Kroger.

“When you called me, Maggie and I were sound asleep on the couch!” I exclaimed. “I didn’t think we would grocery shop until Monday night!”

Dad also remarked on the Hebrew National franks I had in my cart.

“I like just a regular hotdog myself,” he said. “The cheap kind. Those Hebrew Nationals are too Frou Frou.”

I balked, telling him how delicious Hebrew National franks were.

“Get me some diced onions and meaty chili and I am in heaven!”

I cringed when the final tally was told. I had spent over $80 dollars again. Dad just shrugged and said he was glad I was getting enough food. I thanked him for being so kind.

“A few weeks there you only got $40 dollars worth and it worried me,” he said.

I really was in la-la land tonight. When I got home and started to unload my groceries, I left my car’s stereo playing so I could listen to it while I brought my groceries inside. I had backed up in the front yard to the front door. When I finished, I couldn’t figure out why the key wouldn’t come out of the ignition. I had turned off the car with it still in reverse. Duh! I put the car in park and out came the key.

1 comment:

Sharyn said...

Walmart pick up, seriously! I love it!