Sunday, January 13, 2019

Must Do’s This Week…

I have got to get Maggie to the Veterinarian and I need my father’s help. He is going to have to drive while I hold her in my lap. Her yeast infection on her chest is starting to return and she has been accursed with another ear infection. This is imperative! This is where I wholeheartedly miss my mother as she was a mover and a shaker when it comes to these kinds of things. We would be out there tomorrow afternoon for sure.

“What have you been feeding this dog?” I know Dr. Jerry is going to ask.

“We can drop her off and leave her overnight,” my father said. “And then you can pick her up when she is ready the next day.”

Dad’s and my car both need washing something terribly (something I usually do myself) after that week of rain that graced us. Dad said he is planning on doing all of this Wednesday. He has continuing education in Columbus all day Thursday. I pray we can get it all done.

We have also been seeing commercials for Rain-X wiper blades for our cars as well. We both want them on our cars so maybe we can swing by AutoZone or Advance Auto Wednesday as well. This may be pushing my luck.

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