Monday, January 21, 2019

Anxiously Hoping On Several Fronts…

Maybe my new video card will arrive today. My fingers are crossed and that would be the icing on the cake. It certainly is a needed distraction and gives me something to hope for. I will be overjoyed to see a UPS truck arrive at the house. The sound is unmistakable as the truck squeals to a stop and up comes the rear sliding door. Elation ensues as the UPS guy walks across the front yard to the front door. Maggie will be barking up a storm.

In other good news, Tracy might have a new job working at a local small animal clinic. I am awaiting a phone call any hour now telling me whether she got it or not. We’re both very excited as this is what she is going to school for. She won’t be a veterinary technician officially, but will be performing many of the same tasks. It will be great experience for her. She will have to give Mrs. Barbara two weeks notice, though – time for Mrs. Barbara to find someone to fill her position. She has worked at the Humane Society for 6 years so it is kind of a bittersweet ending. Mrs. Barbara agreed to give her a glowing recommendation to help move along the process.

I am feeling much, much better today. I almost feel my old self if it weren’t for a lot of chest and sinus congestion. I didn’t wake up until almost 11am, though. I stayed up late watching Pride and Prejudice on Georgia Public Broadcasting last night.  I believe that was a novel originally written by Jane Austen. Tracy would’ve liked to have viewed it as well.  

Skyrim Happenings…

A little street Urchin ran up to me in Skyrim this afternoon and asked for 5 gold coins for food.

“What happened to your parents?” I asked.

“Momma and Papa died and my aunt and uncle got the farm,” she said. “They cast me out to fend for myself saying I was too much trouble.” 

“I can adopt you if you would like that,” I then responded.

“Really?” the kid starting gushing thank yous.

I am now a cyber father of two former orphans in the game.

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