Sunday, January 20, 2019

Living In the Land Down Under–Under My Covers…

Wow! Has it been five days since I wrote a blog post? I haven’t been this sick in years. I never catch colds or flus, but I think I caught a combination of the cold and the flu this time. I've had high fevers, chills, sore chest and arms, and my nose has ran like a leaky faucet. Dad has been under the weather as well catching it first and giving it to me. His wasn’t as virulent, though, thank goodness. Charlie has been trying to steer clear of us so he won’t get the crud even though Horsefly has been really sick as well. Dad and I both haven't seen him in a week until tonight. (I forgot that Charlie did indeed bring me breakfast this morning)

Tonight was our usual Sunday night KFC feeding. We all march ever onwards. I didn’t feel like eating anything, but got Charlie to bring me a chicken sandwich meal which Maggie ate sans dill pickles. It did Maggie’s heart good to see the dynamic duo tonight and she was really “talking” to them in earnest. I know Maggie has to have been wondering what’s wrong with me as I’ve been in the bed for days mainly lifelessly watching the television. It made me smile weakly when Maggie would whine and carry on when Tracy had pulled into the driveway all last week.

Miraculously, I went four days without a single cigarette and dad said I should’ve quit after all that. The mere thought of having one made me reel in disgust. Tracy colluded with my father about how we could stop me from starting back. Alas, I had a cigarette tonight and the room spun as the nicotine hit my long forlorn brain cells. It made me giddy with a certain drunkenness. My scalp even tingled.

Tracy, bless her dear most valued heart, has been by a dozen times this week bringing me medicine and food. I’d be six feet under if it weren’t for her. So far, she’s been lucky and hasn’t caught it. She brought me the best chicken noodle soup I believe I have ever eaten last week. She also made this hot, sweet spiced tea on the stove that was just delicious and so soothing to my mouth and throat.

I think I am on the mend. At least, I hope so. I am tired of laying in the bed for one thing. Tonight was the first night on the computer in many days and I played Skyrim for a few hours so I must be feeling better. I splurged and bought a home in the game for 5000 gold Septlms and adopted a child so I am a cyber father now. I can adopt one more if I can catch a little Urchin begging on the streets of Whiterun – the city I call home.

1 comment:

Sharyn said...

In good old 1920's style by all means, take in the lil urchin!! Glad you're back, I was getting worried!