Friday, January 04, 2019

Rest Well Dear Soul…

Dad showed me a picture of mom, him, Dr. Kamath, and his wife today. Mom looked so pretty in it. I often find myself thinking of my mother these days. I always thought mom would easily outlive my father. Alas, she was taken too soon.

Our trip to Clark Brother’s yesterday was fruitful. I spent about $40 on cheese and sausage. I also got some really lean ground chuck. Dad was the big spender and spent over $100 on steaks, sausage, and center cut pork chops. We will be grilling out this weekend. I can never tire of eating things grilled over charcoal. I am sure Charlie and family will join us.

I took care of Tracy’s birthday today. I drove to Walmart and got her a Blu-ray player and three movies I thought she would like – real chick flicks. When I leave Walmart, I always realize what a nervous wreck I am. All the commotion and noise gets to me. It is stimulation overload. I should have just bought it online and had it shipped to me. I sat in the car composing myself for a good 10 minutes before driving home.

Dad goes, “I wish someone would buy me a Blu-ray player,” this afternoon.

“You have a Blu-ray player you big dummy,” I said back laughing. “My brother bought you one.”

“I thought it was just a DVD player,” he replied saving face.

I am getting something really boring to most for my birthday in April (thrills me!). An 8 Terabyte Seagate Barracuda hard drive for my gaming computer. I hope to be able to back up all my data and games to it.

1 comment:

Sharyn said...

Did you know that you can order online and pick up in the front in a little living room for no extra charge? Also, groceries. Groceries have always been my foe, the perfect combo of both my addictions of food and shopping. Now I go online and put all my groceries in the cart, pay with my debit (ok, Bill's debit) and pick up the next day. All I do is park, call the number on the wall, give them my name and what stall I'm in. They bring it out and put it in my car. Again, no extra charge. Super Great for Anxious Folk!!