Saturday, December 08, 2018

Breakfast Just Hits the Spot…

It is a dreary day here. it is pouring rain and it is also 42° degrees. You’d catch the death of you if you were out in this weather for very long. Dad called this morning and said Charlie was coming for breakfast. He wanted me to come too. I hurriedly dressed and braved the horrid weather to reach my father’s house. Dad cooked poached eggs, bacon, and homemade biscuits. Charlie and I agreed it was an extraordinary breakfast. We were all full of banter and good cheer afterwards. Dad jokingly said he needs to feed us more often if that was going to be the end result.

Charlie got his TV fixed. It was still under warranty and a serviceman came out and installed a new power supply motherboard saving me the trouble. He was thrilled to death to have it back working. I didn’t envy that serviceman’s job as there were at least fifty screws on the back of that TV that had to be taken out to get to the inside of the television. Things tend to work out best in the end.  

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