Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Connection to keyboard must be unplugged…..

I had all these grand ideas I wanted to express today. I opened up Word and wrote a few paragraphs and lost all steam and forward momentum. I saved the file on my desktop as a reminder to pick up this train of thought maybe later. My mind is kind of foggy but vibrant at the moment. I am thinking great thoughts but just cannot express them in this limited format of writing. Writer’s block maybe?

I see that the formerly “the homeless guy” has gained a home. I am thrilled for him and know the elation of that first night in your own bed in your own abode. I do want to warn him that the initial elation wears off and you tend to forget the despair of homelessness and may even grow to start romanticizing about it. Having a home is a great deal of responsibility/complexity and you are tied to it much as a spouse. It can be quite stressful keeping all the bills paid and budgeting every month especially for a person with a disability and a limited income that is thrust into a new situation. I wish him the best of luck and may he enjoy his new home. The first few weeks are sheer bliss. I envy him of that feeling.

On an unrelated thought, I did get back my biology exam today. I made an 80. I just barely squeaked by with a B didn’t I? A large portion of the class failed the exam and our instructor is giving those individuals the opportunity to take a friendlier, kindlier test. I am glad I just passed and will take my B. It was on genetics and DNA and those are not my strong suites. I have three weeks of school left and will be finished for the summer. My, doesn’t time fly? It seems just like yesterday I was that nervous guy sitting on the front row on the first day of class wondering if I could handle this thing called college.

I also received a letter from the impoverished teenager I donated my truck to today. It was a good, old-fashioned hand written thank you note and it surprised me. He was overjoyed about the car and has great plans for it. I am sure it has another good 40,000 miles left on the clock and with some TLC will get him through high school. He wants me to come over sometimes when I visit my great aunt and help him rebuild the engine when he gets up the money this summer to do it. I will try and write back or call his father to let him know I would be overjoyed to help. I am very familiar with the engine and have a service manual for that truck.

Well, now it is time to get some supper started. I am still sticking to my healthy eating plan even though all this cooking for one is tough. Tonight, I am having cubed steak with gravy, steamed broccoli, and wild rice with herbs. Let’s go get it started. My stomach is grumbling. Good day.

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