Friday, April 01, 2005

Rambling about medical issues……

It is well known that the prominent drugs for schizophrenia such as Risperdal and Zyprexa may cause diabetes. There have been numerous lawsuits over this issue. I had to sign a waiver for my doctor to prescribe it to me. A friend emailed me today over this issue and it raised some interesting thoughts.

I have persistent pain in my right leg and my ankle and foot is swollen. Maybe this is circulation problems due to the early onset of diabetes. Maybe I need to quit speculating and get to the doctor. I hate going to the doctor though. I find that the majority of them are not very proficient at diagnosing problems despite all their years of training. Maybe I need to call my brother and sister and ask for their advice. Alex was very concerned the other night when my father called him about this. He thought it was a blood clot. I just do not need any bad news and am hiding from reality. This whole issue scares the hell out of me and maybe it will prompt me into action.


Thoughts on Schiavo and assisted suicide……….

I thought the way Terry Schiavo had to die was barbaric. I read the reflections of the doctors that said she felt no pain. But still, dying of starvation is not the way to go. We have the technology and medical knowledge to give someone in this condition a humane way to die if they so wish.

I once planned my own suicide in great detail. I worked in a lab at Auburn University as a research technician in the forestry department. We had many cylinders of different gases in the lab. I learned via the internet that carbon dioxide caused a gag reflex and that gases like nitrogen did not. One day when I was at the end of my rope, I filled a trash bag with nitrogen and slipped it over my head. I fell unconscious almost immediately. My falling on the floor out of the chair knocked the bag off my head and I regained consciousness. If it would have worked it would have been a painless way to die with dignity other than falling out of the chair.

I just feel that people should have the option to die with dignity if they feel that the usefulness of their lives is over. I do not know of Mrs. Schiavo’s wishes and that could be debated endlessly on this blog. I think I did read that in Switzerland you have state sanctioned assisted suicide. I applaud them in their efforts.

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