Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Early Morning Musings

I am in this strange phase of going to bed as it gets dark and waking up well before sunrise. I am sitting here sipping on a hot mug of coffee and just felt like rambling. Those hours before sunrise are calming and comforting to me. I feel as if I am the only human awake. Before long the birds will be calling in earnest. They start around 6 AM every morning. I call this the “magical hour” as everything comes back to life for another day.

Before long the phone will start ringing. Great Uncle Bob is trying to reach me for me to take him to the hospital for another standard procedure. I missed him several times yesterday and didn’t get his messages till bed time. His messages were quite comical. He doesn’t quite get the jest of my answering machine. There were several calls with him hollering, “Hello?” as if I had answered the phone and wasn’t talking. It put a big smile on my face as I heard each message and imagined Bob on the other end perplexed. I might as well just call him this morning after breakfast and see what day he needs me to take him and to stop the phone tag.

I also had several phone messages from my some time friend Chad. I and Chad used to be best friends during high school but I distance myself from him now. It seems his mother went out and bought him a decent used car and he immediately went and pawned the title for drinking money. Now, they are threatening to come get the car if he doesn’t pay off the pawn ticket. He wanted me to let him borrow $1000 to get his title out of pawn. I almost spit the coke I was drinking through my nose when I heard that on my answering machine. Needless to say his messages got deleted and I will ignore any more. I will never see that money again if I let him borrow it as he is incredibly stupid and irresponsible. He only calls me if he needs money. A “real friend” I tell ya. *sarcasm* (Who in the fuck would pawn their car title?!?!)

I have been on this big kick of listening to talk AM radio lately. The only things on talk radio are endless commercials, financial shows, and political talk shows. My finances are so simple it’s laughable and I hate politics so I am not sure why I am listening to this stuff. Buffoons like Rush Limbaugh are comical though in the rhetoric and propaganda they spout religiously every day. I find it amusing and interesting to hear. I can’t believe that people really believe some of this crap these guys like Rush vehemently bitch about all day.

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