Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Wanton Wastefulness…..

I normally only drive my car to school and back down the interstate. Gasoline is very expensive and like gold in my book. I only have so much money to work with every week and I have to make it stretch. Well, today I took a long joy ride and feel guilty over it. It was a blast though!

I wanted to test the all wheel drive of my new car. I took a long drive out smedley road which is a dirt road. At every curve, I would gun the gas and the rear wheels would kick in as the front wheels slipped and would push me around the corners. This brought me great satisfaction. I would glide around the curves as the rear wheels were activated. I drove almost to Lafayette, Alabama which is twenty miles away. I had twenty miles to drive back after my fun. What a waste of gas but what such fun! I needed to get out and to be reckless for a change. It felt bad but it felt damn good at the same time.

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