Friday, April 15, 2005

Memoirs from my homeless days

This will become a regular feature of this blog every few days. I have an old handwritten journal of my homeless days that I found again today and was reading. Many of them are worth sharing. Posting will be as my time to transcribe from paper to digital medium permit.


One of the hardest aspects of my homelessness has been the insidious cold. It sneaks in every piece of clothing and leaves you numb. When you build a big camp fire, the front of you becomes uncomfortably hot and your back and rear are freezing cold. The only time I can truly be comfortable is to crawl into my warm down sleeping bag and slumber.

I long for above forty degree days. They are a true joy. I used to would pay little attention to the weather and the forecasts. Now, they are integral to my well being and morale. I will listen to the weather band on my little radio as if the words spoken were the sacred words of a prophet. What’s that? 50 degrees and sunny tomorrow? What great joy those words bring to my soul!

The cold can be a relative thing. You quickly grow acclimated to your environment. Forty degrees used to be bone chilling cold to this southerner. Now, it seems like a moderately balmy day. Fifty degree days feel downright warm and spring like. Sixty degree days and you have a veritable summer! Those sixty degree days have been rare and few and far between this November. I long for the spring and respite from this existence! Just four more long months to go.

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