Monday, April 04, 2005

Good food, good mind……

This shall be my new focus the next few weeks. I realized that in my busy new schedule of work and school my eating habits have deteriorated tremendously. I really think I was on the edge of malnutrition. I started eating microwavable meals and canned food because it was so easy to prepare and I was tired from my schedule. I would just open a package or can, pour it into a bowl, and heat it up in the microwave. This food is filled with fats, preservatives, and sodium. Not good stuff and I still firmly believe that through a better diet I can gain better mental health.

I had also forgotten how expensive convenience and pre-prepared foods are. Today was my $85 dollar a week payday and I went and bought groceries. I bought a ton of healthy groceries for $45 bucks and some change. I bought lots of fruits and fresh/frozen vegetables. I also bought some healthy cuts of meat that I shall bake or broil.

For supper tonight I had lemon and pepper baked chicken, field peas and snaps, a fresh pan of low fat buttermilk cornbread and a banana. For breakfast tomorrow I will have a bowl of high fiber muesli and low fat milk and a piece of fruit. I am going to try and stay away from high fat breakfast foods such as biscuits, bacon, and eggs. Cereal is just so damned expensive though and eggs are just .50 cents a carton.

I am also going to endeavor to get back on a healthy exercise regimen. As soon as my foot heals I will get back to hiking and riding my mountain bike on country trails. This is not hard for me to maintain luckily and something I immensely enjoy. I shall make the time to get back on track with this. My health must come first with school and work second. Without my mental health I will not be able to do either.

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