Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Obsession No More...

One of the biggest changes I've noticed in my life lately is the obsession to drink is gone.  When my father first took away my disability money, I thought I was going to die.  I wanted to drink so badly.  I would scheme and do anything for a drink then.  Time has passed.  Many AA meetings are under my belt.  I no longer sit here and think of beer.  The obsession is gone.  That has been one of the biggest blessings in my new life so far. 


skinny minny said...

that is so awesome! ( I am such a child of the 80's you would think I could think of another adjective...)I know that was one of my biggest and best days when the obsession was gone. So way to go!

Bridget said...

I have a good friend who beat a cocaine addiction. She said that it took her about 2-3 months and regular NA meetings for her desire to use to disappear. She's been clean over 10 years and still goes to meetings as "insurance." The one thing she says (and that you're noticing) is that the way she feels clean and sober is WAY better than when she used. Even her bad days sober are better than her best days high. She said that sobriety restored her humanity. From the sounds of it, you're finding that, too. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

Bridget said...

I have a good friend who beat a cocaine addiction. She said that it took her about 2-3 months and regular NA meetings for her desire to use to disappear. She's been clean over 10 years and still goes to meetings as "insurance." The one thing she says (and that you're noticing) is that the way she feels clean and sober is WAY better than when she used. Even her bad days sober are better than her best days high. She said that sobriety restored her humanity. From the sounds of it, you're finding that, too. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

Sharyna said...

I'm glad to see the urge goes away sooner or later. Actually, my urge has lessened and I actually can say No to drink. Well done, my friend.


CJM-R said...

God Bless you.. what a wonderful thing to happen to you. I know you have worked hard.

Cheryl said...

I never thought I'd get over my obsession with smoking. Thank God I did.

An Irish Friend of Bill said...

Amazing grace. how sweet the sound..

Amen Brother!