Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Past Remembrances...

This photo of me was taken in the early nineties. I was working for Martex making a hundred dollars a night putting up cases of towels on production while driving a Hyster forklift.  Little did I know that my life would soon change drastically.  My schizophrenia was lurking in the shadows getting ready to pounce.

I showed this photo to my father last night.

"You look just like your uncle Roger," Dad said. "That is a great picture of you."

That picture seems like another lifetime to me.  It was a high water mark for my life.  I had all the money, chicks and booze to possibly last a lifetime.  Reality can be a harsh mistress, though, and it was a rude awakening when I started to have mental problems.  My seemingly perfect life came crashing down around me.  I spent the next decade tying in vain to keep things together in all aspects of my life. 


KYRIE said...

G morning. U gonna crash tomorrow, go to sleep :)

Well u look diff back thn.

C.A. said...

How about a "now" picture, Andrew? I think everyone would like to see that even more!

Have a peaceful day...


Jenn said...

Yup, time for a new picture. We all change, it's inevitable.


yes, i would be curious to see what you look like now.

as for me, i've noticed a tendency to hate seeing photos of myself. recently i've started taking tons of self portraits, trying to get a handle on what i look like, how i want to look, etc...

it's been fun to play with the camera and try to take ultra-flattering pics, as well as horrible ones.

an interesting experiment and one you might find some use for.

Kelly Jene said...

Handsome photo, but you have come through so much since then. New photo time!

An Irish Friend of Bill said...

Hey its your journey dude. Its all happening for a reason. theres plenty of life in the old dog yet!