Saturday, January 09, 2010

A Brave New World Begins…

Mrs. Florene called me late last night excited.  She had worked all day on getting George into detox.  George is to go into detox at Carraway Medical Center in Birmingham, Alabama as soon as a bed is available. His insurance will only pay for four days though. 

The logistics of it all proved interesting.  Mrs. Florene wanted me to drive George to the hospital and offered to pay for gas and food for the trip.  I called dad to ask if I could and he said no – that it would be too much on me and that I was feeling shaky after my failed caffeine experiment.  I hated having to call Mrs. Florene back and telling her I couldn’t do it.  Well, as luck would have it, George’s cousin Monte offered to take him - getting involved. Mrs. Florene is having to pay him a hundred dollars though, plus the cost of gas.  Let’s just hope Monte’s dilapidated car can make it.  It’s a brave new world for George and I am so excited for him.  I want my good friend to be okay and to be sober.  


Lena said...

This is very good news for George.

I bet he doesn't realize he has all the bloggers in his corner.

Joy Heather said...

I am so thrilled about this..hope you get to talk things through with him soon.

justLacey said...

I am hoping George gives is a good try. I would live to see him turn things around. My best wishes to you and Mrs. Florene.

Andrew said...

Thank you all for the well wishes about George. He is still yet to go, but I remain ever hopeful!

Hap Joy Free said...

Cheers for George! we love him just like we love you! You shold print out these comments to show him that there are strangers who care about his well being. maybe give him some inspirtation!

Go George!