Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Scrumptious Cornbread…

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Everybody’s cornbread is different it seems.  Dad’s cornbread can be kind of dry and he uses low fat buttermilk.  Don’t get me wrong.  It’s good, just not as good as Helen’s, Mrs. Florene’s, or Charlie’s wife. Helen’s cornbread is like cake.  She adds a couple of tablespoons of sugar to the batter and it rises very high like biscuits.  It is so soft and fluffy. Mrs. Florene’s cornbread is rich and heavy – the Bavarian style buttermilk making it very fattening and filling.  Charlie's wife’s cornbread is very crunchy on the outside and on the crust.  I like this and she has the better cornbread of the four.  The best cornbread I have ever tasted was my own mother’s when she was allowed to cook.  Mom would get the iron skillet and oil smoking hot.  The batter would sizzle so loudly when she poured it in that you could hear it throughout the house.  This made the cornbread soft on the inside and very crunchy on the outside.  I wonder if she could still make it?  I will have to get her over to my house out of under dad’s ever watchful gaze and let her try!


Cheryl said...

I've never made a good cornbread in my life. What you describe sounds delicious.

I hope last night's meds helped. Can't wait to hear how you feel later on today.

Joy Heather said...

Hi Andrew..I'm back now, i have been catching up on all of your blog posts..far too many to comment on, but its so good to catch up on what has been happening with you...i would LOVE a recipe for cornbread, its something we dont cook in the U.K...it would be great to try it..i am so glad you have had a good holiday & hope you feel even better once your meds are up to date...hugs to you & Maggie...Joy

LM said...

Any chance you could post the recipe Mrs. Charlie uses?

We loved cornbread and feel the key is an old, seasoned cast iron skillet.

Summer said...

I just can't seem to replicate my grandmother's cornbread. But I keep trying.

becomingkate said...

I want to make it now!

impromptublogger said...

The one time I tried to make homemade it was miserable - I go ahead and buy the box mix. I know one way to make it yummy is to use bacon grease!

Leann said...

I've never attempted to make cornbread. My mom used to make cornbread but it was a sweet cornbread. When we lived in Alabama my mother in law made cornbread but I didn't like hers, it was too bitter tasting.

Maroussia said...

It will be great to watch Cats, i have bought tickets from
http://ticketfront.com/event/Cats-tickets looking forward to it.