Monday, January 04, 2010

To Go or Not to Go?

I’ve been thinking of going to AA again.  The AA meeting hall is a quarter of a mile from my house and a 15 minute walk.  If it weren’t for the dollar donation at the end of the meeting, I would probably already be going again.  I have purely selfish motives.  I want to stay sober and I want to meet like minded friends – friends above anything and all.  I realize George is not a very healthy friend to have when you are trying to be a teetotaler, but he is the only friend I have. 

My weather station reads 17 degrees right now.  Cold!  They bumped up our chances of snow from 50 percent to 60 percent Thursday night.  It is only going to get colder if we have snowpack on the ground.  Dad last night was thrilled that I knew it was the coldest it’s been since 1899.  We are such weather geeks.

Today I have to get my  haircut.   I am already nervous.  Those of you that have read me for years know that I have a phobia about getting my hair cut by a stranger or most anybody.  Charlie usually cuts my hair, but I wanted it done professionally this time, and mom’s hairdresser is wonderful.  I want to look nice and neat.     


This IS The Fun Part! said...

Good Morning!!

You know that you have all of us - but we're not the same as "in real life" friends. I think that one of the purposes of AA is to help you find companionship. If dad knew what the $$ was for, I don't think that would be a problem.

Hoping for your weather dreams to come true. Ya gotta get a good hair cut to prepare for the first great snow of the decade!

Have a wonderful day!

An Irish Friend of Bill said...

where did you get the idea that you HAD to put money in the pot at the end of the meeting???
you're only supposed to put money in, IF you have it AND you want to. There are !!! no authorities in AA, and don't let anyone tell you different..

PipeTobacco said...


I think it may be valuable to go to AA for the friendship, and I agree with the above that payment would not be necessary.

However, I would also suggest that George is a GREAT friend to have. His drinking is not material to the issue of his friendship. He is your friend. And, friends are sometimes similar to each other or sometimes different.


jane said...

if you speak to your dad, i am sure he will give you the money, but as the others suggest, if you don't have it, don't worry.

happy new year

jane said...

if you speak to your dad, i am sure he will give you the money, but as the others suggest, if you don't have it, don't worry.

happy new year

Cheryl said...

I think there's a whole lot of reasons why AA would be great for you. I'm gonna send a e-mail.

Lena said...

Glad to hear that you are thinking of AA. And I know if you don't have the money, it is no problem.

justLacey said...

I think it would be a great move. You do need the support of like minded people and you have been so much more social lately. I think the interaction would be helpful for you. I hope you do go and stop worrying about the donation. Bake a cake and take it with you or bring some ground coffee for their after social time. I am sure that would be just as appreciated and your mom would help with that. I am so amazed by you. More so each day. You are coming into your own and accepting that life is pretty good here and there. I am happy about that.

Hap Joy Free said...

Hi Andrew-

There have been numerous times I couldnt donate to the basket in Al-anon. I never let it botherm me cus I saw others were in the same situation as I.

It warms my heart to know you may go will find friends and life deserve it!

PS..its friggin 33 degree in Miami....but of course, your coldness beats mine. Im gonna pray to the snow Gods they bless you with some of the white stuff!


Sharyna said...

Dad is not going to give you a buck for AA. I've known you for years and Dad never softens on giving you money. Just go to AA. Here's a funny. Went to an AA Corn Beef and Cabbage feed. It was given for donations. We didn't have any money. The guy in line in front of us put in a $50! And we just followed along like we were with him!