Friday, January 15, 2010

AA on the Mind…

When I first quit drinking, Alcoholics Anonymous was an immense help.  It was a safe place I could go every night to commune with people like me and to talk about my cravings and problems thus disarming them to some extent.  Well, last night I went to a meeting.  Many of the old familiar faces were still there which was comforting.  One old timer even came up to me to shake my hand and remembered my name. 

It was a twelve and twelve study where we read and discuss the twelve steps and twelve traditions.  The more I go to AA, the more I realize it is less about drinking and more about a complete reprogramming of your personality, mind, body, and spirit.  As you change spiritually, the urge to drink lessens.  Thankfully, I am long past those horrible cravings that hit you in the early days of sobriety – that empty hole in the pit of your stomach that needs to be filled with drink.

I enjoyed last night despite my social anxieties acting up to some extent.  The hour flew by and before you knew it, I was walking home – a feeling of peace surrounding me.

The Reading List…

I am well into book four of the Twilight Saga now. I am finding the last book much more quickly paced and enjoyable.  It was sort of incredulous though when Bella, a human, got pregnant by Edward, a vampire.  I thought the book was going to take a turn for the worse, but Stephanie Meyers surprised me.  It has been a page turner and the prose has improved. 

I’ve also started reading Interview with the Vampire which I picked up at the library.  What a depressing and morbid book!   My friend Karen said Louis was “angsty” and she was right!  Another disturbing point about the book are the strong undercurrents of homo-erotica and pedophilia.   It can be unnerving to say the least. 


Berryvox said...

Ha, I forgot about the homo-erotica and how it can bother some people. I take back my recommendation for "Lost Souls". It's similar to Anne Rice's books.

Andrew said...


I can deal with it. It is interesting despite it's misgivings. I am going to check out "Lost Souls".

An Irish Friend of Bill said...

glad u felt better for the meeting. i feel the same about them.
'people need people' as they say. I think of meetings as 'the pub with no beer' I love the motley ! crew that show up. alkys arent dull thankfully :) they might get on yr nerves from time to time, but they are never dull :)

Jenn said...

Book 4 is my least favorite of the Twilight series. I think because it's mostly told through Bella & Jacob's point of view and there's not enough Edward flavor! I turn into a goofy teenager whenever I read them :) I also think Renesme is creepy.

Andrew said...

Irish Friend of Bill,

That's a good saying. People need people. It certainly helps to stay sober with a support group of caring individuals.

Andrew said...


I hate you didn't like book 4 very much. It is my favorite so far. I was so glad when Bella survived and finally became a vampire like so had lusted for for so long. I love Jacobs point of view. He has quickly become my favorite of the books.

justLacey said...

Anne Rice's books are depressing and angsty. All of them use the same language too. Try and work preternatural into a conversation. Seems like she uses them over and over and the books themselves were not impressive.