Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Excellent Article on Schizophrenia…

This is one of the more informative and accurate articles on schizophrenia that I have read.  Kind of like a FAQ for layman on the same.  Please give Suzane’s website a  visit and have a read for yourself.

10 Myths About Schizophrenia



Happyone :-) said...

I'll go and check it out.

This IS The Fun Part! said...

I'm glad you endorsed this article, Andrew. I learned some new info - and confirmed some things I wasn't sure of.

Thanks - it never hurts to learn!

Hope your appointment went well and the grocery shopping is okay - at least you get to go and decide what you want!


Joy Heather said...

I have just read that article in its entirety and it is very informative. My late husband had a very good friend who was a paranoid schizophrenic he spent a lot of time with us... we saw Trevor at his best & also at his worst..but he was a dear, lovely man, and NOTHING could detract from that, its what you are inside NOT the illness that makes you the man you are Andrew..anyone who judges you by the illness is just sad and ill informed.
I used to suffer with deep depression at times..and it was dear Trev who helped me through so many bad episodes..because he really understood and could help me in a very productive manner, not just give me platitudes...YOU may well come into contact with folk you can help in the same coming to terms (as you have)and learning more about your illness, you could be invaluble to some person in the future..nothing is wasted, no one knows what is around the corner, i do hope that your appointment went well and that you go from stregnth to have done incredibly well Andrew...your blog and the progress you are making (and even your honesty when you have a setback)is so uplifting to read. I think you would be very surprised at the folk you may have already helped..not to feel so alone, and to fight for perhaps total freedom from the illness one day..or if not then the ability to NOT let it run their life, but take what is on offer be it drugs, therapy, counselling whatever it have come so far..and the journey is not over yet my friend...keep the all anonymous comments if you must..they obviously dont 'get' to you..thats all that matters, but how sad that some folk have to be negative about everything...i think perhaps there is more than one anonymous reader, because the tone of writing is different in some comments to others.