Sunday, April 01, 2018

Yes, it is Big! Big as Big!

Dad and Charlie co-own a Ford truck and mainly Charlie puts it to good use. Charlie came easing up to the curb this morning in the white truck. Maggie and I were already waiting on him. In the bed of the truck was the biggest TV you've ever seen.

"I see you went ahead and got the 65-inch version," I told Charlie excitedly.

Charlie handed me our biscuits and an icy Coke I would soon relish.

"Will you help me get it together and hook it up?" asked Charlie.

I said sure and told Charlie I would be at his new house at 10 AM.

10 AM rolled around after Maggie and I finished our breakfasts. I headed to Charlie's house. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. We had the TV on its stand in about five minutes and it took me another five minutes to hook up the HDMI cables and to get the TV connected to the internet.

While Charlie and I were on the subject of audio/visual cables, I told Charlie I needed two cables myself.

"Get in the car and we are headed to Walmart," Charlie said as he let up the garage door.

Alas, they were sold out of the cables I needed, but Charlie did a little shopping while we were there -- soap, sundries and such.

"Print out on Janice's computer what parts you need and I will swing by the Walmart in Opelika and get them on my way home from work," Charlie told me.


Sharyn said...

65? Are you sure it wasn't a 96? As you may remember, my late hubs, Fred was quite the Techy. We had a fax machine years before anyone else so we subscribed to menus! LOL When he died, he gave away a 72. But he was in the works on an 84 or 96. I have a 32 which works for me now.

glittermom said...

Is Charlie ever home long enough to watch tv?