Thursday, April 26, 2018

Yes, Smokes and Cokes Are Imperative…

MXX_loop“You want your Cokes and smokes this early?!?!” my father exclaimed over the phone this early morning.

It was a minor miracle I was up so early. I was in the bed at 11 PM last night.

“Just look at the radar,” I told him. “It is fixing to start raining hard and will rain for hours. I don’t want to get caught out in all of that mess this afternoon and I have three cigarettes left.”

“Well okay,” Old Fuss and Feathers replied grumbling. “Give me about 15 or 20 minutes to get them out there and then I will call you.”

Dad called about 30 minutes later and I hurried over to get my stuff. It was very chilly outside and it is going to be an even colder rain in store for us. I sighed as I pulled back into my driveway with my main task taken care of. I thought I felt a drop of rain as I walked inside.


Sharyn said...

Are smokes and cokes the normal storm fare in Alabama? LOL In TN, it's milk and bread. BUT in CA, it's box of wine and TP. And I just found out Red wine is the best as it is served room temp! LOL Isn't that funny?

Andrew said...


Summer said...

I keep wondering why he made you wait. Why couldn't you just drive over and pick them up? Weird.