Monday, April 30, 2018

The Art of Cantaloupe Sniffing…

Yes, I ran into Jermaine in produce tonight. He explained to me the art of picking the right cantaloupe. I just wanted some bananas.

“Smell that!” he said handing me a cantaloupe. “That one is just right! And feel the skin as well. It has a certain give.”

“Well, you are just a right professor of cantaloupes,” I told him, handing back the melon.

Earlier, as the night began…

“What are you going to spend tonight?” my father asked me on the jaunt across the parking lot.

“Seventy five dollars,” I told him. “I’ve got it all planned out.”

My total came to exactly $75 dollars tonight just as I had said. Dad looked at me astonished as he swiped the debit card.

“Are we still going to do my $100 a month in computer parts?” I asked my father apprehensively as we walked out of Kroger.

“Yes you can,” he said. “Just keep it to $100 and under.”

I was beaming inwardly at my elation. I emailed my parts to Matt as soon as I got home from grocery shopping – just two keyboards, a 3.5mm stereo cable extension, and some thumbscrews.

1 comment:

Sharyn said...

I know how much you LOVE shopping with Jermaine!! Was he still talking to you as you left the store? LOL